Maybe I'm to cynical?

Willard hit the nail on he head...

What the hell is the difference between a scotch bonnet and a habanero? I keep hearing that they are different, have different pods shapes, and have different heat levels, although taste similar and most sites list them as "close cousins." I went to a few of my favorite supplier sites tonight and typed "scotch bonnet" in the search box, and each one directed me to various forms of habanero seeds. Is there a difference? Is a scotch bonnet just a habanero chile grown in Jamaicia? That is what I'm starting to think.

this is my opinion...there are scotch bonnets that don't have a bonnet shape like the Big Sun Scotch Bonnet and there are scotch bonnets that do have the bonnet shape like the Foodarama Scotch Bonnet...the heat for both is about like an orange hab but a different, citrusy/fruity taste to me...(and I am only talking chinense here not annuums like the Jamaican Hot Red or Hot Yellow)

Big Sun Scotch Bonnet


Foodarama Scotch Bonnet




the only place I have found the Foodarama Scotch Bonnet is from Beth @ peppermania..
Scotch bonnets are a unique pepper just like habaneros are unique. They each should have their own unique flavor, shape, and origin.
Not all real Scotch bonnets have bonnet shapes but those that do get graded higher and sold for more$$

All Habaneros(and Scotch bonnets) are C. chinenses
Not all C. chinenses are habaneros(or bonnets)
People buy seeds, rename them something they think will sell and post them up. Isn't illegal as far as I know but in my opinion it is unethical.

Not illegal at all. You can actually give a pepper your own name and trademark it if you wish :( I probably shouldn't be telling certain people this, I can just see all the "new" trademarked varieties :(

"A trademark is the individual "brand name" of a particular type of seed soldby a particular company, and acts as an indicator for the source of the seed. The fact is, any number of companies can each sell the same variety of seed under their own trademarks, provided they comply with all other applicable laws. For example, AB Company may,if it wishes, sell the public domain, non-certified broccoli variety known as "Wok" under its widely-recognized (and federally registered) GENIUS® trademark...
He is on a marketing roll lately and doesn't even come to the forum to explain himself to anyone.


He used to show his face on the chillisgalore forum when I questioned his "record" but he seems to have his own posse backing him up, and he never answers my questions anyways. You'd think after a few years of this B.S. people would learn not to buy his unknown, unproven, unreliable seeds just because they are marketed as "new" and special :(
He used to show his face on the chillisgalore forum when I questioned his "record" but he seems to have his own posse backing him up, and he never answers my questions anyways. You'd think after a few years of this B.S. people would learn not to buy his unknown, unproven, unreliable seeds just because they are marketed as "new" and special :(

Aye, although I have bought from him and still continue to as not all of the seeds on there are bogus, I have however managed to avoid his more recent and more market orientated seeds (I didn't trust the "yellow Johnah" or the morouga 'satan strain'.

Minus that, there is still a reasonable selection of seeds on the sight if you aren't looking for anything too particular, and there aren't really enough UK based seed suppliers for me to do a one man boycott :P
I listen to the BBC news broadcast every weeknight & I pay attention to the words/colloquialisms they use. They use "row" for 'fight' or 'disagreement' :-) I find semantics/linguistics very interesting. I also went to W.A. once @ 20 yrs ago.

W.A as in West Oz??? Over here we use blue for a fight.
Two blokes had a blue down at the pub last night.

Thanks. Do you use it as a verb also? I imagine that could create some interesting situations.
Example: We were at the bar and things got crazy. Two guys blue (fought) each other. hahhaha