The last Pie I added Cheese, ad the Mango Spice sauce.

dragonsfire said:The last Pie I added Cheese
wiriwiri said:A popular Chicken Pot Pie here in NE is Mrs.Budd's..they use a ton of cornstarch,lots of goo..not that good IMO.Will look for those PenPies.
Oh ask too late ...all gone.
looks delicious. the frozen store bought ones suck. i have to try making them myself.wiriwiri said:In my neck of the woods...a favorite food come winter/spring or fall is Chicken Pot Pie.I posted this in the Pie Dessert section,didn't know
this thread existed..Rotisserie Chicken,broth made with what's left after most meat removed.I forget to incorporate the peas in the mix so
added before the the lattice top.Also did put crust on the bottom & prebaked that..I like a lot of crust with my Pot Pie,even if it's not
that healthy eating ..once in a long while is AOK.