• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead's Glog. Season 1 over-season 2 underway

Hi all. This is my first year growing peppers, started with only 2 plants, and that quickly grew to more lol. Only have 6 plants at the moment due to lack of space, but we'll be looking for a new place in the new year, so hopefully will have a yard available soon! All plants are Bonnie plants purchased from Lowes and Walmart. 
Sweet bell


Orange habanero


And another jalapeno

Also have another orange hab, which I believe is actually a hybrid, 2 tomatoes and an eggplant. I've already learnt a lot so far, have been getting some decent hauls lately, and the plants are happy and healthy! Will definitely be getting bigger pots for next season though.
Seeing as I managed to successfully grow these peppers, I decided to plant some seeds I received from Seacowboy. Planning on over wintering the plants I've grown from seed to try to get a headstart on next years grow.
Successful germinations-Aji limon, fatalii, Brain Strain, yellow bhut, chocolate Trinidad scorpion and a Chinese 5 color for some added color.


If space allows next season will hopefully be able to add a few more varieties as well.
Seedlings survived transplanting and are growing well. Still battling white flies on them but I'm winning the battle thankfully. 


3 more seedlings transplanted today as well.
keep on keepin' on, buddy. Next year, you'll be pissing the wife off with all of the plants you grow! lol... That's just how it works!
Harvest time! Habs have been ripening finally, getting a handful a day off 1 plant. 2nd plant has it's 2nd set of peppers growing nicely.
Bunch of habs ready for the freezer destined for jelly.

Jalapeno's are finally ripening

Supposed to be jumbo jalapeno's. No shots to compare but these are much smaller than the regular jalapeno's we have growing. That's what I get with Bonnie plants  :rolleyes:  Also a small cayenne as well.
Some strangely shaped jalapeno's. Wasn't sure if there was something wrong with them so harvested one to check the inside. Looked totally fine.


Seedlings are still growing well despite my overwatering. Had a few outgrow the solo cups so into 6 inch pots they go.

Another 1 into a 6 inch pot, plus my wife's new strawberry plant.

Wife's new aloe vera plant. This could come in handy after those fishing trips where I forget sunscreen, or when I burn myself making sauces.
Nature's troops helping me with the white flies. Assassin nymphs! Had a few small ones on some plants, then noticed an adult hanging around a fair bit. Now have an army of assassin nymphs hanging out in my plants. Not the best pic, but best I could do at night with a cell phone camera.

Random shot. Hummingbird's chilling at the feeder.
Seedlings are loving their new pots. Absolutely thriving so far. Unfortunately due to an operator error (ie I screwed up with the labelling), I'm unsure what's what besides the Chinese 5 colour and black Hungarian. Will find out next season when they set pods if I don't mess up and can get them through the winter.
Chinese 5 colour

Black Hungarian on the right. Chinense on the left had the holes in the leaves before repotting. Not sure what from as the only bad bugs I've seen are white flies.

I think the left pot is Aji Limon. Other 2 tbd next season when pods set.

This one is just growing like crazy. Easily the biggest of my seedlings so far.

Still have a few to pot up to 6 inch pots tomorrow when I get more pots.
A couple of questions though if anyone can answer them. As it stands, I only have the seedlings in 6 inch pots. Should I repot 1 more time up from these, or are they a good size pot to OW in? I have 5 pots that my mature plants are in that I can upgrade to when the seasons over, as I'm not planning on saving any of my current plants. Unsure of the exact size of them as I had no idea what I was doing at the time and just got what looked good for cheap.
Also, I have ants starting to nest in some of my big pots. Does anyone know a good way to keep them out, while also allowing the good bugs to move between? I have a lot of assassin bug nymphs that move between my plants and would hate to lose them while trying to keep the ants out. 
Thanks in advance for any help. Much appreciated!
Well finally got my 1st ripe bell pepper. Wife wanted these to cook with, but due to lack of productivity and finding other low/no heat varieties with better taste and productivity will not grow again.

This thing is just going crazy. Will need another pot up soon the way it's going.

Other seedlings are doing well too. All seem to be loving the bigger pots and new potting mix. Still need some more 6 inch pots for the one's in the solo cups. Getting some more this weekend.


After getting my 1st harvest of orange habs, the 2nd crop has grown extremely quickly. Went out to check the plants this morning and noticed I already have some beginning to ripen. Definitely came on a lot quicker for this group of peppers.


Also have some more jalapeno's ripening. Can see some stuffed peppers in my future!
Another pot up for the seedlings. Decided to try the eco friendly bags from the dollar store as an alternative to smartpots thanks to advice from rebelgrower3. Black Hungarian looks like it might have some flower buds forming already.

Rest of the seedlings potted up from solo cups to 6 inch pots. Got 1 looking very sick, hoping it pulls through. When I took it out of the solo cup the root mass was very small. 

Saw these while at Lowes yesterday, couldn't pass them up. Been fascinated by carnivorous plants since I was a kid.
Pitcher plant-

Venus fly trap
Black Hungarian definitely has flower buds forming already. Thinking I might pinch these off and let it focus on growing some more
Plants are still growing really well. Luckily we've missed out on the coldness affecting the northern states down here. Hovering around mid 50's at night to mid 70's during the day at the moment.

Still have the 1 seedling struggling. It's hanging on, but unsure if it'll pull through. My better half's strawberry and aloe are thriving as well

Loving the colour of these 2 plants. Black Hungarian-

Chinese 5 colour

Hoping we get a pretty mild winter down here. We only have 2 very small south facing windows, and can't use either of them for the plants. 1 is right above the kitchen sink, and the other is right above the "throne". Not sure how my wife will react if I tell her I need to buy a bunch of lights and convert the spare bedroom into a grow room lol.
Just got the last ripe pods off my hab. The pot the plants in has been taken over by ants, and the little buggers have brought aphids with them. They've also taken over the pots of my 2 jalapeno's, and starting to see aphids there as well. Luckily I've been able to separate them from the plants I have for next year, so looks like it's the end times for these 3 plants. Still thinking about keeping the cayenne for next year. Going to be making some flakes with the pods once I dry them out. The taste of the flakes will determine if I keep it or not. Getting close to the end of my 1st season, and must say it's been a blast! Made a few mistakes aolng the way, hopefully have learned from these mistakes, and looking forward to next season. Will keep this thread updated on how the seedlings are doing, and whether I am able to successfully able to overwinter them or not. 
Potted up a few plants from the 6 inch pots into something a bit bigger. Root system on all the plants looked great, had roots growing out the drainage holes, and the root mass on all was already filling the 6 inch pots. Lemon drop and black Hungarian are in their final homes, others will probably get upgraded one more time after Winter's over. 
Lemon drop (and a beer trap for the slugs)-

Black Hungarian in the kitty litter bucket, and some superhots in the other pots. Really wish I hadn't screwed up on my labelling system so I knew which was which-

Need to get some more pots and potting mix for the rest of the plants in 6 inch pots. Might forgo plastic pots and go straight to some Dollar General eco shopping bags. 