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Megahots grow log 2011-2012

First sprout was a Bhut on 12-14-2011. Thanks to all that helped me along the way! I am starting to feed them 1 tsp of fert per gallon of water. I have a 2 ft T5 6500K that emits 8,000 lumens, on its way to me. and I am ordering a 4 ft mylar grow tent :) Here's some pics from germination until now. I will update with more pi9cs as time goes on.



Thanks for the kind words! I wish I knew something better. I think peanut butter and milk helps before the pod reviews, that and waiting a bit longer in between reviews! :)
Dude my list is at 60 varieties at the moment that I have to cut down to 50 before November once I figure it out I'll pm you see if your interested in anything.
Wow thats crazy bro! I appreciate that buddy! Cutting the list down is the hard part!!! I know how ya feel!!! :(
One of my many new baby ButchT pods :)

Got a goodie package from Socal today! :dance: Thanks a million buddy!!! :P

Sorry it took awhile for me to get this one up but I really appreciate the pods Matt and Eric!!!
Matts pods are on left, Erics are on right

Got some awesome pods from Paul aka muskymojo, Thanks a lot Paul for the awesome pods!!

Heres a small harvest of my Bhut and yellow 7 pods
Wow. Very nice. There are some terrific generous people on here. Fernando Matt and and Paul are three of many good hearted people. And your pods look good. Glad your starting to get some ripe ones to enjoy. I am too and it's exciting to taste what we have worked an worried and fussed over all year. keep up the good grow. Season isn't over.
Wow. Very nice. There are some terrific generous people on here. Fernando Matt and and Paul are three of many good hearted people. And your pods look good. Glad your starting to get some ripe ones to enjoy. I am too and it's exciting to taste what we have worked an worried and fussed over all year. keep up the good grow. Season isn't over.

Thank you!!! You're right there are some very nice people on THP!!! I appreciate all the kindness!!!
Glad they got there safe Jon from the top a small 7 pot Jonah, 7 pot Burgundy, Mystery peach, 7 pot brainstrain yellow, 2 red bhuts, yellow bhut or fatalii, 7 pot yellow that sucks it got smush it was the smallest pod out of the ones I harvested.
Jon my friend. Glad to see you are getting the much needed love you deserve. I don't envy you NW Pacific growers. I would be SOL if I lived there. :P

It looks like your plants are starting to finally get used that weather. Nice harvest :dance:
Jon my friend. Glad to see you are getting the much needed love you deserve. I don't envy you NW Pacific growers. I would be SOL if I lived there. :P

It looks like your plants are starting to finally get used that weather. Nice harvest :dance:
Buddy Jamie thank you my friend! You're right about the lack of grow weather here in the PNW! The good thing is that it is possible to grow and harvest ripe pods :) The butchT is actually taking off now!!! ;)