• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log

Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log

It's the 4[sup]th[/sup] of August and time to start a grow log. This will be only my second year and second grow log. Because I tend to go on and on talking about crap I will make a commitment to only post if there are pictures to post with it so it stays entertaining.

I've already germinated some seeds inside and am eagerly awaiting the end of winter so I can begin construction of my forest of chillies :D

Firstly a recap of what has happenned up to now.
Being bored in the off season I started three Jalapeno seeds in on 17[sup]th[/sup] may. One week later I got a hook.

This got me gander up and I jumped in ;)

On 7[sup]th[/sup] June I soaked in chamomile tea and planted seeds of:
Jaimca Scotch Bonnet
Aji Amarillo
Aribibi Gusano
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Bishop's Crown
Naga Morich
Red Bhut Jolokia
Choc Bhut Jolokia
Red Habanero
Hot Cherry
Cayenne Gold
"Mystery Pepper"

Two weeks after sowing I got this

5[sup]th[/sup] July planted some more after the same soaking method.
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Manzano Amarillo
Guampinha De Veadho
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bahamiah Goat Pepper
Antillais Carribean
Topaz Chili
Purple Tiger
7 Pot Brain Strain
Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Bolivian Rainbow
Big Jim
Naga Morich
Asian Birdseye
Chilli Fiesta
Peter Pepper

Also trialled soaking 27 Gold Cayenne in different concentrations of acid.
The result was far from disaster but not good enough to excite me.

On 11[sup]th[/sup] July the older sprouted ones got a new fluro tube home on a shelf.

Red Bhut
Jamiaca Scotch Bonnet
Choc Bhut
Habanero Red
Mystery Pepper
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Cayenne Gold

15[sup]th[/sup] July Soaked some seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide solution before planting. Left them in for a 14 hrs but the recommended method is only 5 mins... oops I chose seeds that I wanted more plants of and others I have had trouble germinating in the past.
Hot Cherry
Chilli Costa Rica
Bishop's Crown
Peruvian White Habanero
Asian Birdseye
TS Butch T
Bahamian Goat Pepper
White Labuyo

Had some hooks pop up and the older ones got bigger. Everything was going along fine...... until :O ! ! !
Awesome to see you are finally getting some pods after all your troubles, Moo! :cool:

I get bug holes in some of my pods too... thankfully not enough to be a significant problem but more than enough to boil my blood! :mad:

BTW, who's the big guy Chinense in the red bucket in this one? He's doing alright, aye?
Been really busy but it's time for an update. My newest potted up ones have responded to foliar feeding and have sprouted since last photo.
This photo was taken on 28th november. They had survived the transplant but were in need of nutrients as you can see by some yellowing leaves. Gave them a light feed.

This photo was taken on the 8th december and although the plants were settling in well. I started to increase the feeding dose.

And this photo taken today. Haven't had much rain so they are happy with not being drowned. The yellowing has lessened and the nearest one to camera has really sprouted up.

edit: most of the yellowing in this last photo I think is due to the different light and bad photo! They are really looking healthy.

My heavily laden Brazillian Starfish suffered an attack from a terrible two who decided to whack it with a bamboo stake repeatedly. Lost a few branches and lots of pods :( But the ones remaining have started to ripen up.


This is one of my favourites, Hungarian Black overwinter. It started life with four cotyledons and puts out good pods despite being tiny.

These are overhead shots of the line of plants from the first photo.




Im trying to post more pics but it is trying to add them to my previous post and won't display them because it is too many?? This is annoying.
My heavily laden Brazillian Starfish suffered an attack from a terrible two who decided to whack it with a bamboo stake repeatedly. Lost a few branches and lots of pods :( But the ones remaining have started to ripen up.

Whack 'im back with it! (That's what I used to cop... seriously... a bamboo stake.)

Im trying to post more pics but it is trying to add them to my previous post and won't display them because it is too many?? This is annoying.

It's that damn anti-whore system. Drives me nuts too. Especially when I post twice about two completely different things and they join and make no sense....

BTW, now that I've posted, you should be able to post again without your post trying to join with the other one.... ;)
Is there no other way to get around that? I hate negative updates.
Actually, being the post-whore that I am, I noticed it was introduced *prior* to the site update.

Or did you just mean that your update was a negative one due to the bastage anti-whore system?
Nah I meant when an update makes something that worked, a pita to use. Thought it was when they updated the site. So they introduced this just to stop people racking up multiple posts ? Seems like a waste of time.
So they introduced this just to stop people racking up multiple posts ? Seems like a waste of time.

Nah, I dunno... that's just what I reckon.

Hey, BTW, your pube looks like it's doing pretty good despite the hot weather, or like us here, hasn't it really been hot there lately? Last season my Manzano Amarillo absolutely hated the heat and ended up carking it on me. :(
nice work mega ... looks like most of your ills are behind you ... except for the 2 year old ... you have roughly another 16 years of that :rofl:
Whack 'im back with it! (That's what I used to cop... seriously... a bamboo stake.)

How about feeding them the starfish pods that were knocked off the plant.

I'm waiting to see if my Brazilian Starfish plants are true to form.

My heavily laden Brazillian Starfish suffered an attack from a terrible two who decided to whack it with a bamboo stake repeatedly. Lost a few branches and lots of pods :( But the ones remaining have started to ripen up.


many?? This is annoying.

How does the flavour of the Brazilian Starfish pods compare to the other C. Baccatum varieties you've tasted?
Haven't picked them yet and I've only had the Aji Lemon to compare it with which is a Baccatum?

To be honest I have been so busy the last few weeks that my chilli garden hasn't had much attention. The weather forecast for the next week is hot and sunny and windy so I'm going to have to keep an eye on them so they don't dry out.

I have managed to put up a free seed offer for those in Australia.

And I made my first ever hot sauce :D

Then I made my second and third too ;)

I'm going to call it Megamoo's Pineapple Mango Inferno. Had some mixed through pasta and it was delicious. It's not too hot as they will be presents for nonchilliheads I'm trying to convert. But it got my nose running. :)
Haven't picked them yet and I've only had the Aji Lemon to compare it with which is a Baccatum?
Does your Aji Lemon have golden yellow spots on each petal of its flowers? The pods resemble a Baccatum I grow (Inca Red Drop) but are bigger.

How are the Bishop's Hat and Aji Amarillo plants coming along?

To be honest I have been so busy the last few weeks that my chilli garden hasn't had much attention. The weather forecast for the next week is hot and sunny and windy so I'm going to have to keep an eye on them so they don't dry out.

I have managed to put up a free seed offer for those in Australia.

And I made my first ever hot sauce :D

Then I made my second and third too ;)

I'm going to call it Megamoo's Pineapple Mango Inferno. Had some mixed through pasta and it was delicious. It's not too hot as they will be presents for nonchilliheads I'm trying to convert. But it got my nose running. :)
Soon your fridge will be packed with hot sauce. :mouthonfire: I still have 5 bottles from last season to consume.
Nice, starting to make sauces.
That's a pipe dream of mine, never been able to grow enough chillies yet to even to make sauces.
I hope to achieve that when I move to the country on an acre block in the great southern region, and have enough room to grow in the ground, and build a barn the size of a house and spend free time brewing beer, making sauces and restoring cars in it (and other stuff).
Can't wait to move out of Perth.
Nice, starting to make sauces.
That's a pipe dream of mine, never been able to grow enough chillies yet to even to make sauces.
I hope to achieve that when I move to the country on an acre block in the great southern region, and have enough room to grow in the ground, and build a barn the size of a house and spend free time brewing beer, making sauces and restoring cars in it (and other stuff).
Can't wait to move out of Perth.

To make a mild chilli sauce or a nice chilli jam you only need a handful of chilli's really. Just make a base with tomatoes, apples, fruit etc and simply use the chilli as flavour/heat. Ideally it would be nice to have a good hot chilli sauce with chilli's as a base but hey something is better then nothing
Nice, starting to make sauces.
That's a pipe dream of mine, never been able to grow enough chillies yet to even to make sauces.
I hope to achieve that when I move to the country on an acre block in the great southern region, and have enough room to grow in the ground, and build a barn the size of a house and spend free time brewing beer, making sauces and restoring cars in it (and other stuff).
Can't wait to move out of Perth.

I used the recipe here http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/9040-habanero-pina-hot-sauce/page__view__findpost__p__169627

My plan was to grow tons of chillies and then make sauce from the glut of chillies I had but I haven't grown enough chillies yet and I couldn't be bothered waiting. I used a load of regular red chillies from the supermarket plus a little bit of red bhut jolokia to give it some heat. I've got a frozen bag of superhots I could use but the sauce is mainly for presents for non chilliheads.
It really is easy to do, you just have to sterilize everything if you are going to make a lot so it will keep.
Nice color on your hot sauce. ........ :cool:
I like the Starfish , they're cool looking, maybe I'll find some seeds for this season.

I can't wait to start making my own chilli sauce. Part of the reason why I wanted some prolific growers so I can get tons of chillies, use some home grown tomatoes. Then just add a super hot or two, to increase the heat. Megamoo it is still early in our season so I'm sure you will get plenty of pods in the coming months. ;)
I just harvested a lot of those Brazillian Starfish and saved the seeds so I'll send you some PIC 1 if you PM me your address. Even though they are open pollinated the plant started flowering before the others so they are probably pure.

I hope I get some pods Jayman. Everything has seemed to stall again. I used Chilli Focus and a whole bunch of my best plants dropped some leaves and look real sick. It doesn't happen everytime, usually they respod very positively the first time but the next feed in a few weeks has some negative response. It's often enough for me to think there is something going on here.

I think perhaps that Chilli Focus is a good hydro nute, but in soil the salts or whatever builds up so you can't use it regularly unless the plant is getting flushed through with watering a lot. I'm not going to use it for the rest of the season. Back to the fish emulsion and seaweed.

I finally rescued my root bound basil plants that were languishing in their tiny pots. Given them some room to grow now :)

There were looking like this. This photo was taken a while ago and this was the best they ever looked, then they started suffering from the tiny pots and not being able to get enough water.