• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

I'm in a new house with much more space, better sheltered areas for plants and hopefully less disease in the environment. Unless I win the lottery and buy myself a mansion I'm good to stay here for a long time. The landlord knows about and is cool with the fluorescent light grow setups in the garage, and is happy for me to transform the outside into a chilli jungle. All signs point to a good season ahead.

Winter has just begun, and I've got the germinating and growing on stations setup. Chilli seeds are in the post flying to my door.

This is the current seed list I have to choose from, including varieties ordered but yet to arrive.

7 Pot Brainstrain
7 Pot Yellow
Aji Amarillo
Aji Cristal
Aji Lemon
Aji Panca
Aji Pineapple
Antillais Caribbean
Aribibi Gusano
Baccio De Satana
Bahamian Bird Pepper
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Beni Highlands
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant
Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde
Big Jim
Bih Jolokia
Bishop's Crown
Black Prince
Brazillian Pumpkin
Brazillian Starfish
Burke's Backyard Thai Chilli
Capsicum Californian Wonder
Capsicum Giant Bell
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Capsicum Sweet Banana
CGN 21469
Chihuacle Negro
Chilaca Pasilla
Chilli Cayenne Gold
Chilli Cayenne Red
Chilli Costa Rica
Chilli Habanero Red
Chilli Jalapeno
Chilli Poblano
Congo Brown
Corno Di Torro Rossi
Datil x Lemon
Dorset Naga
Early Jalapeno
Explosive Ember
Filipino Bell Pepper
Giant Jalapeno
Guampinha De Veado
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Peach
Habanero Red
Hot Cherry
Hot Fish
Hot Pepper
Hot Wax
Hungarian Black
Jalapeno Tam
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet
Jimmy Nardello
Joe's Long
Joker's Hat
Limo Blanco
Magnum Habanero
Manzano Amarillo
Mystery Pepper
Naga Jolokia Purple
Naga Morich
Numex Twilight
Orange Habanero
Orange Lantern
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Peter Pepper Red
Pimenta De Neyde
Pimenta Di Bico
Purple Tiger
Pusa Jwala
Red Hot Cherry
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Siling Labuyo
Thai Cayenne
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Mann
Thai Yellow
Topaz Chilli
Trinidad 7Pot Jonah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion (stingerless)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
White Labuyo
Wild Tepin
Zapotec Jalapeno

Many of these are just one or two seeds leftover from old stock and I won't be planting everything. A lot of the ornamentals will be getting just one plant. I'm might still get some more 7pots and superhot varieties.

The garden beds need a little work, and retic needs to be sorted but I've got a few months to do that. I'll post pictures when I have them.
Hi Moo
It looks like the Annuums are on track... they do grow quicker than the Chinense varieties. I'd say just give them moderate Nitrogen when you transplant, and another moderate shot when they blossom, and that's it. You don't want bushes with lots of leaves and no flowers... That said, make sure they get enough magnesium and phosphate. They need more of that. Organic is better than chemical, so I'd say when you repot, work in lots of humus if you haven't already, plus a tablespoon each of dolomitic limestone and rock phosphate, and when they blossom, top-dress with the same.
it looks like moo is ontop of it
Well actually I need all the advice I can get because last season I had about 50 9 Litre buckets full of a soil mix which killed all of my plants. So far this season I've only had plants in small pots temporarily before they went into the ground. I'm a bit nervous about deciding on a soil mix for the large permanent home pots.

Moo nice glog and pics, enjoyed the read ... BTW when you posted the term "pod porn" in gasificada’s glog you had my wife going for a few minutes :D Edit: love the look your Bhut Jolokia pods :)
It's understandable because I always the ladies going ;)
The pods are awesome aren't they :D

Thems is some gnarly Bhuts alright, moo! :cool:
I think the parent pods weren't as bumpy. I do remember they gave me reflex hiccups just from the smell when I was deseeding them !

very nice poddage
Cheers Lakers24. Thanks for stopping by :)

Very nice bhuts moo.... very nice indeed!!
Thanks. They are looking scary.
Just stopped by for a quick visit, Moo. Your grow is looking great!
Have a good Christmas.
Just stopped by for a quick visit, Moo. Your grow is looking great!
Have a good Christmas.

Thanks Paul Merry Christmas to you too :)

A quick update. I took about 100 photos of all the new buddage but macro photos don't really do it justice, because its a widespread mass budding going on. All the plants that are above about a foot are putting out buds, even the ones in pots.

Habanero Peach

Bih Jolokia


7 Pot Yellow Hopefully I'll get a pod soon from this one.

Pimenta de Neyde no buds. Still in recovery after a total defoliation.

I spied a new Bhut Jolokia pod, looked at the photo and can see another new one hiding in the background :D

Jalapenos putting out some real meaty pods... and lots of them!

I was concerned that my lush garden was all nitrogen driven and leafy and they wouldn't produce but it seems they're having a go! The soil is sheep manure mixed with mushroom compost. Seems to be all they need right now, I've only been watering with plain water for a few weeks now. I thought they might like a dose of something with high PK for fruiting but I'm so wary of poisoning them I'm going to leave it unless there is an obvious sign of deficiency.

I've read that chillies will set pods when the nighttime temp rises to a certain level. Certainly getting hot here! Xmas and the week following is shaping up to be a scorcher. Will probably see flower drop.

Merry Christmas everyone :cheers: :beer: :fireball: :dance:
You honestly have no idea what you are in for, moo. If you don't understand now, don't worry, you will in the not too distant future.... trust me. ;)

Looking fantastic! :onfire:

Oh yeah and that sheep poo is magic stuff! Gotta thank Trips for getting me onto that one.
You've come a long way, your grow looks great all up where you can see any wayward snakes that might slip in. I like those long slim peppers they remind me of some that I have, and Bhuts look like they would be on the mean side, even green they can have a strong bite to them. I make a fermented green Jalapeno sauce that I throw in a few green bhuts to bring up the heat level they do a great job at bringing on the heat. Yours are more bumpy and twisted than mine are though.
Very nice podage :)
Thanks... I can't wait for it to ripen!!
Looking good moo. Yeah that's my biggest issue here during January and Feb keeping the temps down.
Thanks Trippa. Already noticed some flower drop. I was going to rig up a misting hose above them but I think I'll just get out there and spray them with a garden hose on the nasty hot days. Hopefully the garden bed is big and deep enough to keep the soil cool, but I can mulch it if I have to.

You honestly have no idea what you are in for, moo. If you don't understand now, don't worry, you will in the not too distant future.... trust me. ;)

Looking fantastic! :onfire:

Oh yeah and that sheep poo is magic stuff! Gotta thank Trips for getting me onto that one.
I hope I get buried under a pile of pods . :D I have the facilities to handle masses of pods, might not have the time though!

You've come a long way, your grow looks great all up where you can see any wayward snakes that might slip in. I like those long slim peppers they remind me of some that I have, and Bhuts look like they would be on the mean side, even green they can have a strong bite to them. I make a fermented green Jalapeno sauce that I throw in a few green bhuts to bring up the heat level they do a great job at bringing on the heat. Yours are more bumpy and twisted than mine are though.
Thanks wildseed. If you saw my last season's glog you'd know how far its come! Complete turnaround... its only just midseason though. Got a fish on the hook, still got to reel it in.

The other side of the blue fence is a large open verge area next to a busy road, but on the other side of that is some bushland.... and there are plenty of snakes in Australia!! in case you didn't know ;) So its not too improbable an idea that I'd get a visitor. Had a blue tongue lizard last year in a different place. Always keep an eye out.

Purely by chance the the garden bed is the prefect height for standing and checking out the plants with no back strain. 1000% better than my last house. :D

The jolokia parent pods were definitely hot so I'm expecting nuclear nastiness.
Your plants are starting to take of moo , your gota love this time of year when you start to see pods , make all the hard work worth it..
Most Excellent Moo! Glad to hear your plants are gearing up for mega-poddage. :dance:
Thanks guys. Poddage is awesome but ripened poddage is better!

Put some new ones into pots today. I managed to get 2 and half buckets of worm castings from my worm farm so I mixed some into the soil mix. I had used a coco-peat expandable brick as bedding for the worms and they hadn't finished eating it all so its a mix of worm castings and coco-peat.

Not much else happening.

Jamaica Scotch Bonnet turning up to the party.

Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah showing some curves

Congo Brown trying to overwhelm with superior numbers

Dorset Naga finally delivering after a few empty promises

Yellow 7 Pot is being shy but she'll come round.

I think I may be spending too much time with my chilies :oops: but at least they aren't talking back.... yet :scared:

Pruned back my tomato plants because they were going nuts and trying to take over the world!

Found this under one. I had it labelled as Aunty Ruby's Green but from the looks I mixed up the labels and it's a Brandywine.

Just like this one
lookout mega has got sauces and pods soon to be coming out the whazoo!! ;) :D

Nice work bro and to think how you have turned things around from your last season!! Nice. Thats called learning from your mistakes!!
lookout mega has got sauces and pods soon to be coming out the whazoo!! ;) :D

Nice work bro and to think how you have turned things around from your last season!! Nice. Thats called learning from your mistakes!!
Thanks Trippa. See the Churchill quote in my signature... it's good advice.

You labels look at lot like my pug!

Very nice work, Moo!
He was my old dog from a few years ago. He was a really cool laid back dog too, not as mindless and insane as pugs can be. I miss the way they grunt and snore :)

Love the labels!! Are you planning on marketing these bad boys or just doing the whole seal and all that for fun?
They look so much better on the computer! Crappy home printer sucks all the life out of them. It's a trial run for many things, I'm still refining the recipes but can't really consider making them commercially until I start to get a good harvest.
Pugs are definitely big on making funny noises. They could never survive in the wild because they wouldn't be able to sneak up on anything.