misc Merchandising

This is a display I've been working on for the local carry out ( take away) seafood shops and Deli's. I live in the Bay area so I thught the nautical scene was pretty nice. It holds 12 bags of Nutterz and so far its been a hit. I do want to point out that there is no funny business with the Blue Angels as they truly are flying around in my office. :lol:: Sorry Jacob

thehotpepper.com said:
Why are all your pictures always reversed?!?!?!?!

the pics are taken with the camera that is built into my I MAC ( which rules) and I have yet to figure out how to reverse it. If anyone knows how to do this, I'm all ears.
Also on an iMac, totally rules. If you have Photoshop, there's a function in the image menu to flip horizontally. I'm sure there's an easy way to reverse an image in iPhoto as well, I'll experiment for you.
Meow! That said:
DickT said:
I can totally believe I did not think of that, Damn I'm dumb sometimes, Thank you I got it and if this site was only good for gardening. HAH!!!!


"Pazzow iz Nutterz"