• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mezo`s "super hots" Glog including the 'big' solar dehydrator.

The is thread with the humungous solar dehydrator. :D


G-Day, im Mez or Mezo & im new to this part of Australia having come from Perth (Western Australia) where growing chili peppers is so easy (except the heat).

I live in the border ranges in northern New South Wales (bordering Queensland) and its a mixed bag of temperate & tropical conditions, the summers are very hot, wet & humid, the winters are dry & sunny.

Average daily temps.


And average monthly rainfall.


Aussies reading this will already know this, but people in other country's probably paint a picture of Australia as a hot dry/dusty land but this is far from the truth, up north its full blown tropics with a wet season & 100% humidity (yuck). Down south its freezing cold & snow during winter, out west its a dry heat like in the Mediterranean & in the middle of Australia is desert country.

So im now growing for the first time "Super hots" and for a very important reason, whilst working away in Perth i had a double heart attack wich has left me permanently disabled, sadly they are unable to operate on me (bypass/stent) as its to far gone, so having worked all my life (Electrician) im now at the age of 45 claiming a disability pension & i hate not being able to work.

Now i take shovel fulls of dam tablets to keep my heart pumping & id rather not be taking any but right now there no option i have to take them or ill drop dead on the spot. After much reading i found out that cayenne powder has all sort of benefits to your health & well being, especially to your cardio vascular system. I had read that cayenne powder can stop a heart attack in its track & i put this to the test (twice) and yes it does work where the medication (Nitrolingual) had no effect.

So anyone reading this who spots a friend having a heart attack just flick some chili powder in a glass of water as fast as you can & get them to drink in right down, fast. It works within 30 seconds of drinking it & it saved me from two more attacks already.

So there's my life story in a nutshell & some sound advice on how to save a heart attack victims life.
And this ladies & gentlymen is why im growing "Super Hots" to make high heat cayenne powder for cooking to improve my circulation/remove fats & as a "just in case of emergency"

OK on with the first of my "Hots" the Bhut Jolokia, the reason i chose this was simple i just Googled "whats the hottest chili" and up popped the result, however further reading on the interweb i found threads from this forum & names like the Butch T, the Douglah & Brain Strain.

So ive ordered them from pepperlover.com after so many people gave such great reviews, Bhut in the meantime lets look at my Jolokia`s.



Must admit i just love the shape & color of these babies.

More soon,

Thats right Mezo ants farm aphids, had them all over my lemon tree till I sprayed it a few times, I read ya thread earlier on my phone at work figured I would wait to post till I got home, Awesome buy... :D

Pretty amazing eh, my mate Danny here has watched a doco on this a while back.

Well there farming days on my plants are over, mind you the guy said you will have to nuke it again in a week to ten days time.

Hope you get those little shites under control mezo.

Just to clarify while its true some ant species farm aphids not all of them do.

Like I said before I have some larger ants with pale ended abdomens resident in my grow area but I have never seen any evidence they do any harm to my plants or any evidence of an aphid issue.

(Funnily enough the only aphids I have seen have been since the cooler weather arrived and I cut back my overwinter plants. But the ants don't go anywhere near them at the moment at all so go figure??)
Had to nuke them a second time today, thought id got most of them but there were plenty this morning.

Just took this video 5 mins ago for my forum (bikers like this sort of stuff). :party:


Just a few pics of my Black Prince tomatoes i promised to post for Conor (who sent the seeds).

The left pot with roughly nine plants is doing very well, bushy etc, the right pot with roughly nine plants again is not doing so well, the leaves are dry & wrinkled and in general not a bushy as the plants in the left side pot, so it must be something in the mix?

But i used identical mix, i mixed it up in the same wheelbarrow & then divided it up between the two pots, so identical everything.
Same ferts, same watering yet the nine plants on the left are healthy & the nine on the right are not?

Its got me baffled.




Both are flowering the same, just one looks healthier than the other.

I have no helpful comments on the tomatoes unfortunately, but I'm pretty jealous of that sunshine and blue sky stuff in the pics!
Mez, no idea what is going on. Seems like root rot? Some sort of pest got to them? I don't know enough about tomatoes to help. You have some big plants considering they were started during an Oz winter.
Mezo....you're still at it ey...freakin' bugs tryin' to get the best of ya..."Get down!" "Mezo's gone crazy" "He's got that look in his eye!"

Whip them into shape Mezo. How's the little ducking doin? (The one you stole back from the little girl.....lmao....I still chuckle about that....I'd do the same...sshhhh)

That big ol' bag of goodness looks YUMMY. That's enough to keep your old kester cooked for a couple years!

Everything's lookin' A-Okay, glad to see you are doin' alright. Keep up the good fight buddy!
Well the ducky, lucky ducky.

There was me thinking ive stolen it from a little girl, it turns out the "little girl" is in fact a 22yr old hottie? i just did the "boo hoo" as it sounded like a good story, yep i took lucky from a hot single 22 yr old, f**k i must be a total idiot.

Forget your Lambo, or Enzo, all you need is a two week old duckling to pull chicks in Aussie. :party:

What a prick eh.

Them toms....the bushy one, seems to be getting some sunlight in the pic, where as the other "nine" are farther in the shade.Just a thought.

Now, ...you may be on to something with the little duckies..... :dance: :dance: :dance:
use it or lose it!
Hi Dave,

I did think of that, normally i have both ends of the wedding marquee zipped closed to stop the chickens going in. That morning (nice sunny & calm) i decided to open it up so the plants could get some fresh air, its only for an hour or two they get sun on them at the end & as it makes its way around the bushy one is in the shade (or furthest from the light).

So light was ruled out, it can only be something the plant is feeding on? possibly a pest in the soil eating at the roots? When i re rejuvenated the potting mix i dug out loads of these white grubs (big suckers) and tossed them to the chickens as i was doing it in the wheelbarrow, im certain i got them all but possibly i missed one?

They look like this.


I've read ya can use soapy water to get them to come to the surface of lawns so birds will eat em, I've got em at my place but I've never really worried about them
Well i went in to my tent to do my morning checks & we have tomatoes :dance:

And these are on the sick looking plant? go figure.


This is in winter remember, no special heating or anything.


I did a double take when i saw them, there was just flowers three days ago & look how thick my stems are Conor (half way up the vine).


Yes Paul it is truly magical this used wedding marquee of mine. :P

Just took this vid half hour ago, young Tess instinct is to chase cattle as both her parents are working dogs here in Aussie, she`s 90% Border Collie with a glint of Kelpie, and she`s like a loaded gun waiting to go off when they come past.

Im trying to teach her to chill, relax until i give the command, you can see the dehydrator in the background.

She was freaked out by the white calf, she usually lets them pass from the bottom paddock up to the top one with no hassles.
