• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!


With that being said,
to my grow log.

As a disclaimer, if you came here to learn how to grow peppers the right way, you might as well leave. Also, if you get easily offended, send all hatemail to Romy6. Thx. If you are looking for a pro log …… click http://www.thehotpep...al-discussion/. If you want meticulous notes, and updates like clockwork, click http://www.thehotpep...hot-grow-2012/.

For those of you who are still here, I’m Matt, and you can call me that. That or homie, bro, chief, man, buddy, or Javier. This is season number 2 and last year was a disaster. Somewhere between scouring the web to find out why all my plants couldn’t break the 2 foot mark I ran across this forum, and bam, hooked. I started gathering seeds in June and got them in dirt (or coffee filters) today.

Here is my list:

ButchT- Pepper lover/Chad S 3
Red TScorp-AJ 3
Yellow TScorp-Brian 3
TScorp Marouga-Pepper Lover 3

Red Bhut-Pepper Lover 3
Assam Bhut Indian Carbon- Pepper Lover 3
Giant Red Bhut-PGM 3
Choc Bhut-PGM 3
Peach Bhut-Aji Joe 3
Naga Morich- Brian 3

Yellow 7: THSC 3
White 7: Pepper Lover 3
Jonah: Pepper Lover 3
Primo: Pepper Lover 3
Barrakpore: Pepper Lover 3
Douglah: THSC 3
Brain Strain: CMPMAN 3
Yellow Brain Strain: Pepper Lover 3
Infinity: Wouter 3

Red Savina-Pepper Lover 3
Red Hab- Pepper Lover 3
Orange Hab- Pepper Lover 3

Naga x 7 Pot-Chad 3
Peach Habalokia-Aji Joe 3
Red Scorpanero #2-Aji Joe 3
Yellow Habalokia-Aji Joe 3

Fatalii-Pepper Lover 3
Trinidad Perfume-Pepper Lover 3
Tabago Seasoning-Pepper Lover 3
Aji Yellow-Aji Joe 3
Inca Red Drop-Kevin 3
Maui Purple- Kevin 3


Biker Billy Jal- Burpee 0
Cayenne- Burpee 0


Joe E. Parker- HM 0
Red Bell Orion F1- HM 0
Yellow Bell Catriona- HM 0

For background on my set up with plenty of pics and commentary click http://www.thehotpep...-now-with-pics/ basically, I have a 5x5x7 growtent with a 600w MH.

I am planting via 2 methods, coffee filter and direct sow. I want to eventually plant out 1 of each variety so I sowed 3 seeds. I soaked my seeds last night in water and planted 1 in a tray of Hoffman’s Seed Starter (thanks Ronnie),

and the other two I stuck in coffee filters and plastic bags. So EVERYONE is aware, this method is not a quick one. Consider yourself warned.

When I finished planting/bagging everything, I stuck it in my tent which maintains about 81-84 and we shall keep our fingers crossed.


parting shot

Now it is time to PWN some 12 year olds in MW3. Peace!
I like the way you got the Air pots set up on a drip. That wood should at least slow the roots down and force them to branch out instead of tap downwards.
YO! watchin your vids now, thank god someone is making these! Also, dont worry about those roots growing into the ground from the airpots....its all good my friend. Kudos again on the vids man, well enlighten the masses one by one with our soil food web voodoo....lol
I like the way you got the Air pots set up on a drip. That wood should at least slow the roots down and force them to branch out instead of tap downwards.

Thanks! It took me long enough to get it set up, but now I should be good for a while! :lol:

YO! watchin your vids now, thank god someone is making these! Also, dont worry about those roots growing into the ground from the airpots....its all good my friend. Kudos again on the vids man, well enlighten the masses one by one with our soil food web voodoo....lol

Thanks Rich! I can't thank you enough for turning me on to the way to REALLY grow!

Looking real good Matt! Awesome to see another person turned into an organic gardener!! :D

Thanks for stoppin in Melissa! My plants are much happier now that I am not shoving crap down their throat.

Anyways, here is the vid to round out the update. Enjoy!
O man. Them biker billy's look tasty. I love poppers man. Plants are looking good bro. The vids are awesome man, keep it up. You'll be so amazed at the growth by the time you get back man.
Matt, your grow looks commercial! Your beds look so nice and tidy,
and lots of cool plants. Here's hoping you come back to everything
in great shape!
Looking good brother! I have plants that are about 3x the size of yours and they're just now starting to set pods! So you're doing something right! The video was great! Hope you come back to some good color on them babies and tons of new pods set! Give me a shout while you're out here!

O man. Them biker billy's look tasty. I love poppers man. Plants are looking good bro. The vids are awesome man, keep it up. You'll be so amazed at the growth by the time you get back man.

Thanks J, I am really excited to give them a try either tonight or tomorrow. I am gonna eat one off the plant, and then stuff em with some cheese and wrap em in BACON!! :dance:

Matt, your grow looks commercial! Your beds look so nice and tidy,
and lots of cool plants. Here's hoping you come back to everything
in great shape!

Thanks Paul, I don't know about commercial, but one day I definitely hope to have the "commercial" space to grow....EVERYTHING!!!!

Looking good brother! I have plants that are about 3x the size of yours and they're just now starting to set pods! So you're doing something right! The video was great! Hope you come back to some good color on them babies and tons of new pods set! Give me a shout while you're out here!


It is all abut feedin the soil and making the babies happy! I really see the results from the tea and I am so happy I found this forum.

Whoa! Butch T buds are crazy. I wish mine had that many.

I am sure that they will be breaking out verry verrrryy soon!

Happy Growing!
As promised, I am heading out in the morning so here is the Biker Billy and Maui Purple review...I may have also made some poppers!!
Like I said, I decided to harvest all my Biker Billys before I headed out of town so that there would be room for another full harvest when I got back. I took the opportunity to make some poppers and give the BBs a shot. I was not too impressed with the overall heat, but like I mentioned in the video, they should be hotter when they turn red. The flavor was wonderful, and the heat was just about as hot as a good grocery store Jal.

I also decided to pop one of the Maui Purples since I pulled a bunch of them off the plant as well. That litte sucker is pretty hot. I was impressed by the heat and the flavor wasn't too bad. Sometimes ornamentals can taste bad, but these definitely had a good flavor that would make this pepper a great addition to some powder.

Anyways, thanks for watching and I will have my phone to check and update, however, time may be another issue...
Hey thanks for the cooking class, Matt! Love poppers!
Have a good trip to Cali; come back healthy, bro!
I do the same with "remaining" pots, I do dig a very shallow hole(2-3") and drop emin(because at my house"Your plants are doing fine,I just watered em" translates to my plants being in full drop near death... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ) in anticipation of the dry July/August days.Yes I run drip tubing just like that...just extra redundancy.I do tape the in between drip orifice holes up, mainly to keep adequate water going to where its supposed to.
Great pics ...and the plants are lookin good.You oughta come back to a forest.

Damn-dropped out 3 times doin this(the post)-
set up looks great, I do the same thing with extra pots, though I sink em in 2-3" holes-works fine.I do tape the orifices between pots to keep water goin to the right places...because at my house"I just checked on them ,they are doing fine, I just watered em too" really means I better hurry up (QRF!!) because they are all in full droop and approaching fully dehydrated condition :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ....and because July and August are so hot and dry.
The plants are lookin great , you should come back to a forest....and as several of my minions out here are ex Jarheads, they were salivating over that Kimber...so you get a Semper Fi from them :dance: :dance: :dance: ...but they are still scared of my peppers..LOL!
Have a good one-

still got that "s"
Meat- they definitely were tasty!

Sanarda-thanks for stopping in! I really wouldn't call it a "great trip", more of a "necessary evil"! Ill be happy when it is done and i get to sleep in my bed and at least sleep for more than a handful of hours each night. These 18/20 hour days are a bit annoying (not enough THP time)!

Dave- I never thought of taping them, sounds like a great idea. I am hoping to come back to that forest, it will be cool as hell to be able to pull a nice first harvest that weekend I get home. I wish there was an emoticon for how funny the "s" comment was! That drives me batty, just edit your damn profile!

So I think I have the best wife. Actually, I know I do. I got a few texts yesterday



And the best one of all

He just found out that he loves subway wrappers better than his toys!

But I know there are only a few snaps, but there is hope! She did walk through the garden, because when we talked she was like "you have little 7 pots and little Habs..."

So I am hoping that I can "sensitize" her to take more photos, but hey, baby steps...
Yeah, yeah we all love the pepper pics BUT your REAL TREASURES are those two knock outs in the Subway Shop ! :party:
CONGRATULATIONS and HAPPY FATHERS DAY! He looks like another Jarhead on the way up!
I'm sure there are a lot of changes at Pendleton in the decades since I was stationed there, but i'll bet those canyons are still as steep!
The pics look good man, my wife won't even water my plants let alone post pics on my glog for me :). And your little one is happier than hell with that wrapper :) Hopefully you won't be out to long so you can spend some more time with the family and the plants.