• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

MGOLD's Farewell Sauce Thread, SUPER CHEETAH!

What's up friends, family, and lurkers! I am fixing to get out of dodge here pretty soon, but before I do, I wanted to take advantage of what the pepper gods have given me this year, and bust out a sauce or two. I don't have much time, and I figured I would get the time to make one or two different batches. Tonight I am going to start the first one, and I promise to post up some pics, and if any of you have followed my GLog, there will probably be enough, if not TOO much rambling. Anyways, shall we begin???

I did a bunch of homework before diving into this mess. I read SL's great thread, and talked with a few experienced....saucemen... I didn't wanna pay crazy shipping and didn't know if I would get the bottles in time, so I decided to go to the store and get the cheapest sauce and dump the stuff and use the bottle. Yea, sounded great....I have been to every grocery or food type store in a 40 mile radius, and found 6 5oz bottles under 2 bucks. So I bought them all up, and decided that wouldn't be enough....I don't plan on making a ton of sauce, but I would like to get about 2 bottles per sauce to bring with me. So, I decided to pickup some 10oz Tapatio for about 1.40 each. I figured that would be great to get a big bottle and little bottle to bring with me.

So here is the before.

I needed to get those pesky labels off, so I cleaned the bottles out with some o2 cleaner I got at the local homebrewing store, and soaked them overnight in it to help pull the labels off. The larger bottles gave me a ton of trouble, but I got most of the residue after some elbow grease. :)

Now I am ready for tonight.

The recipe I am going with tonight is as follows.

7 Pot Jonah, roasted
7 Pot Original, roasted
Garlic, roasted
Sundried Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes, Grilled
Sweet Onion caramelized (dry)
Salt and Pepper
Balsamic Vinegar, taste
Lemon juice
Rice Vinegar

I haven't really thought about measurements, but I have about 3/4 qt of each pepper and plenty of ingredients. I would rather make more, and have to dump then not make enough. From what I gather, to get the heat and taste, you should have 50% peppers. I don't have a scale, so I am just gonna go with "feel"... I plan on roasting my veg (I already roasted the garlic last night), and then throwing them in a pot, cooking it down, and then blend with my immersion blender, test ph, and adjust with the rice vinegar. I have no clue about what measurements I am gonna use, any tips or tricks would be great, and like I said, this is just a rough guideline. If you have any recommendations to the recipe, things that have worked well for you in the past, or things that you think I should try, please, let me know. Although I am not really starting with measurements, I plan to write them down for future reference.

Thanks and I look forward to the conversation!

Thanks Ausmith! It is definitely a blast.

I have some spare time before I leave, so....SAUCE ON!

Prep shot

I decided to go with SL's recipe, with a few easy tweaks. I just looked into my pantry and had more of the stuff for that one. I'll post the recipe later with updated amounts, but here is what I started with:

2 qts+ yellow peppers (Scotch Bonnets, Bonda ma Jaques, Yellow 7 Pots, Fataliis)
1 Sweet onion
2 Nectarines
2 White Peaches
1 lemons
half head garlic
2 tbs lemon grass
3 lg carrots
pineapple juice

I plan on adding cardamom, coriander, Rice Vin, and at different points throughout the cooking process. So far it has been on the stove simmering for a bit, there was a TON of stuff in the pot and I want to get the veg good and soft before I blend.



I wanna say that it has been simmering/low boil for about 45 mintues. I am using the carrots as a guide for blending, as they are the thickest and take the longest to soften. I would say it is about time to break out the Hand Blender. Will update in a few when I get done blending.

Oh, and it smells GOOOOOOOD!!
Nice work Matt. Making sauce can be almost as addicting as growing the peppers! It's all fun.

I hope you passed on the "smoking blah blah blah". It isn't worth the risk. Plenty of time for that when you take the uniform off permanently. Thank you for your service to this wonderful country and please, please keep your head down. You are in my prayers. Good luck.
OH....MY......GOD! I need a straw.


I am going to let it simmer for a bit longer, and then bottle! I only have a few bottles, so this is gonna get cooled and frozen for when I get back. We shall see how long sauce can keep in the deep freeze!

Thanks Patrick, and yes, I passed on the smoking. :) Did enough of that when I was a kid, not really worth the risk nowadays. I mean we joke all the time, the military is a great job, you can't get fired! Unless you smoke dope....lol!
Sauce is looking good Matt. Hey I wonder
if you took a couple of super hot seeds and planted them when you got in country how big they'd be when you returned. More over if, when they put pods on, if anyone would know what that wonderful treat you lest them is.
Doin the flippity flippity thing...

Without further adieu...




2 qts+ yellow peppers (Scotch Bonnets, Bonda ma Jaques, Yellow 7 Pots, Yellow TS, Fataliis)
1 Sweet onion
2 Nectarines
2 White Peaches
1 lemons, zested and juiced (with some pulp)
4 green onions
4-5 garlic garlic cloves
2 tbs lemon grass
3 lg carrots
2 cups pineapple juice
about 1.5 inches squared fresh ginger
cardamom, toasted, casing removed, and crushed with mortar and pestle
1/4 cup+ Agave Nectar
1/4 cup Rice Vinegar

Rinse, stem, seed and chop. Throw everything but the rice vin, agave, and spices into the pot with the pineapple juice. Let it boil/simmer until the carrots are soft. About 30-45 mins. add your spices, taste for sweetness and add agave as necessary. Blend. Let simmer until desired consistency is met, about 30-40 mins for me. Test ph and adjust with Rice vin. Mine started at 4 and I got it down to 3.7 with 1/4 cup. I am not a huge fan of a ton of vinegar taste, so this was plenty to adjust the ph without ruining the taste. Makes a couple qts. I only had a few bottles, so I made what I needed, and will freeze the rest.

It has an amazingly subtle, fruity taste with that nice kick from the peppers. Perfect for chicken or a pork loin. Thick but pourable consistency. I am super stoked with this one, it is hot enough to let me know it has some peppers, but approachable enough that a few hits will be more than enough for someone with a much lower tolerance.
Matt, do you have a food saver? If so put the Bottles in some bags and vacuum seal them and then put those in ziplock bags. That way if they break you won't have sauce all over everything. Also if anybody questions during preflight check, you already have them double bagged.
Stay safe Matt.
Your thp fans are proud of you. Take a pic of "THP" written in the afghan dirt!

And bring back some seeds for a poppy-fatali sauce.
It'll f people in more ways than one!

God speed, mg.
Super Cheetah awesomeness! Get'ter done...cool to have gotten a few more days. The sauce was mandatory. God made it so. Take care Matt. I like MM's idea of popping a few seeds in the ground...lol. That's some good fun.
I had a PM from Matt today. With his limited to get online he asked me to copy his paste over to here so with out further delay here's Matts message:

I am like Black Ops, in and out with (little) notice :) I have been pulling some crazy hours, and I am not sure how long before I can take a step back and catch my breath. I am replacing 3 people, that is 3 people were doing the job I got tasked with. Gotta love the Corps! It isn't THAT bad, just pretty damn long hours. I think things will calm down in a few weeks, whenever the old unit is off deck, and we are in full control. Also, I will have a few more guys to take some of the workload. The good news is I can carve a few minutes out every few days to skype with the wife and kid. He is all about the face chat, he pretty much stares and laughs, so that is reassuring. Always trying to grab at the screen.

But down to business. Sauce, powder, and flakes have went on pretty much everything I have eaten here. I am making pepperheads by the dozen. I broke out both my sauces, and you were right, a bit more liquid. More of a salsa type consistency. No Trucks dropped in heat pretty heavily, but it is still enough to give ya a new swift kick in the nuts. Really amazing Jonah flavor, I am so happy how the flavor came out. Next time I will just add in some more liquid and that should do it. I had it on Tacos tonight, a perfect roasty addition.

Super Cheetah is amazing. Simply amazing. The only change would be to, again, add some more liquid. It is sweet and spicy and goes amazingly on pork. My boss and I go eat together and before this trip he just did the Tobasco thing. Don't throw bricks, because now he goes and grabs the sauce from the fridge and says, "Chow?". So he is dowing that stuff like crazy! Definitely a pepperhead.

I haven't broken out your sauce yet, but by weeks end it will be opened, tested, and devoured! I figured I would start with the noob juice and work up to the pro stock.

But all in all, I am settling in. I miss this place a ton, it is crazy because even though I have access, it is next to impossible to find the time to jump on and conversate with everyone. I promise I will be back, and stick around long enough to not have to post an "Im Back" thread. I tell everyone about THP and the great people here, and they are amazed. I think a bunch of them are second guessing their hobby choices... :)

Thanks Bill, and please post this in my Farewell Sauce thread, I have enough time for one more post and it is going in Jamie's GLog. It is about 1 am and I still have a few hours of work before a cat nap and back up in time for some eggs smothered in NO TRUCKS!!

BTW, you need to check out Jamie's GLog...It is a story of someone who thought he could handle the heat....and couldnt... :hot: :hot: :hot: :rofl: