So I figured I would start a grow log now. I'm a noob and would at least like to share my trials and tibulations. I have a bunch of scorpions and bhuts hardening off (at least I think they are, ebay....) at the moment. Most of the plants are about 6 inches or more and I will post pics when I can. I also have a newborn baby so it makes it harder to keep up with this. Currently I have a bunch of scorpions and bhuts in solo cups about to go full sun in a couple of days but its been very cloudy/rainy lately. I'm about to get 10, 7 gallon root pouches in the mail very soon. I plan on a mix of 3.5 CU Ft of Top Soil, 2 Cu FT perlite, 1/2 Cu Ft coarse sand, 3 Cu Ft hummus/manure mix for all of it. Choices due to significant other really not happy with my grow to begin with so I'm going cheap as I can. I also have 1 yellow bhut whos leaves have been wilting for some time (not due to underwatering at least) and a few Jamaican hot chocolate habs coming along. Again will post pics when I can. Wish me luck!