Mich 2009 and 2010

Gooood Morning!!!!

Wow, you've really grown some great looking peppers!

I see you've got some of the white stuff.

We've had some of that for a couple of weeks now.

All the best to you in 2011!

Thank you!!!

Here you can find some special bottles, but it is in Italy........ it's my "glass-pusher" :)

beautiful bottles Mich!!! is the sauce mostly Naga :mouthonfire: or have you added other ingredients?

Thank you!

It is only Naga Morich, Vinegar and Salt.

I put all in a mixer, then for about 2 months in 5 liters tanks to make a "natural" mashing.

Then i filter all and put in oak barrel for 3-4 months.

I make a bottle test: if after 1 week the product doesn't separate excessive, it's ready. Else i leave it in the barrel for more and i make a new test. The target is that the oak barrel suck all the vinegar.

I hope you can understand what i wrote.... ooooh my mich-english eheheh!!!! ;)
sounds good Mich,
Ti capisco, il tuo inglese è migliore del mio italiano

but doesn't the vinegar inhibit the fermentation progress?
does the oak barrel enhance the flavour?
sounds good Mich,
Ti capisco, il tuo inglese è migliore del mio italiano

but doesn't the vinegar inhibit the fermentation progress?
does the oak barrel enhance the flavour?

Eeeeh, thak you!

I don't make the fermentation process ;)
The oak barrel sucks the vinegar inxs and transform the product in a "velvet" juice.
The flavour is a little softer (but very very hot) than when i put the Nagasco in the barrel, but it doesn't change too much.

I discovered last year these solution and it really was a "bingo"!
Nagasco is my better selled product with my TNT. :)
have you made a yellow version of this type of sauce Mich? too bad I live so far away, I'd love to try some, maybe oneday we'll meet in Italy if your ever over there.(if I'm lucky I might get there next year to meet some of the pepperfriends) :onfire:
Very cool bottles :cool:

Remember to post pictures when you have done the Sole Capsico (Capsic Sun) too. :)

Sure! :)

have you made a yellow version of this type of sauce Mich? too bad I live so far away, I'd love to try some, maybe oneday we'll meet in Italy if your ever over there.(if I'm lucky I might get there next year to meet some of the pepperfriends) :onfire:

Yeppp, i made a special version with yellow peppers (chinense but not super hot), honey, garlic and spices and, of course, salt & vinegar.
I taste it one month ago but it is not yet ready, it as to stay more on oak barrel.

I'm very happy if you come to Italy asap but for now give me your address, i take a look for the costs to ship to you a Nagasco ;) ;) ;)
Varieties List for 2011 (starting on january, the 25):

Super Hot

7 Pod
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod SR Strain
BJ Choco (1)
BJ Choco (2)
BJ Choco Mistery
BJ monoculture 1
BJ monoculture 2
BJ Fat
BJ Assam Indian Carbon
Bih Jolokia Improved II
Bih Jolokia
Bombay Morich
Dorset Naga (Michaud)
Dorset Naga
Fatalii (1)
Fatalii (2)
Fatalii "maybe red"
Fatalii Red (semillas.de)
Morouga Blend
Morouga (non meglio specificato)
Naga Morich
Trinidad Douglah Mistery
Trinidad Douglah (1)
Trinidad Douglah (2)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Mistery

Frutescens (for crosses chinense x frutescens)

Bradley's Bahamian
Siling Labuyo (in attesa)
Frutescens di Pisuke


Congo Black
Guadalupe Black
Haba Choco
Haba Orange
Haba Orange Craig's Double Hot
Haba Hot Lemon
Haba Red Savine
Haba Vietnam
Haba White Giant (i'm waiting for)
Maldivian Pepper
Mich's Maldivian Heart
Pimenta da Neyde (ok i try again)
Scotch Bonnet Brown


Ciliegini o Bacio di Dama
Pakistan Surprise
Peter Pepper
Thai Orange
Zimbabwe Bird


Hot Lemon

Crosses for stabilisation

AISPES101 Strange Jolokia F2
AISPES102 Chupetiño X Madagascar
Bhut X Pequin F2

Waiting for other seeds...:

Black Pearl
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow AISPES
Pimenta Elisa AISPES

No seeds available, my sharing list is already closed and i'm happy to had the possibility to share with some of you!
Today I put in the bottles (40 ml) 2 liters of Sole Capsico (Capsic Sun).
Now I have other 5-6 liters to put in the bottles in the next days:



The product is very nice, I'm very happy!