soil-media Midwest Soil...ugh, great.....

imaguitargod said:
I actually looked into this in Los Angeles and they said only use this for flower gardens. It actiually has alot of toxic stuff in it.

damn, that's where i was gonna get my compost this year. it's not free here, but it is pretty cheap. i guess it's back to the co-op...
GrumpyBear said:
damn, that's where i was gonna get my compost this year. it's not free here, but it is pretty cheap. i guess it's back to the co-op...

GrumpyBear, I talked to the man in charge of the city composting where I get my compost and he has assured me that the compost coming from the city is tested numerous times and has never had toxins of any level in the compost that is being given out from that facility. He has also told me that they have copies of the lab results for anyone who wants them and I am sure that this is true for most civilized communities giving away soil ammendments to the public.

IGG, he also told me that the state of Ohio uses compost to clean up contaminated sites in that state he did not elaborate on thier process but I would definetly not rule out the use of compost to fix up your ailing soil.

thepodpiper said:
GrumpyBear, I talked to the man in charge of the city composting where I get my compost and he has assured me that the compost coming from the city is tested numerous times and has never had toxins of any level in the compost that is being given out from that facility. He has also told me that they have copies of the lab results for anyone who wants them and I am sure that this is true for most civilized communities giving away soil ammendments to the public.

IGG, he also told me that the state of Ohio uses compost to clean up contaminated sites in that state he did not elaborate on thier process but I would definetly not rule out the use of compost to fix up your ailing soil.

I do not trust the city...not to say your guy is wrong at all....I just don't trust government people...local or federal...
I really dont know if its good or bad to use compost material from the city (lawn clippings,leaves,etc...)
BUT chemicals do break down &/or wash away, & some chemicals are harmless once dry. also remember all the chemiclas you intake from the air or produce you buy at the grocery store, or the fish you eat, or the toxins your body (skin) absorbs while swimming in certain waters or just being in contact with those chemicals (including your everyday products you use)

I kinda have a feeling city compost sites would be telling everyone not to use the stuff for edible produce (gardens) if there was an issue with toxins, but then again if there was a problem with toxins our sue happy lawyers would be all over the city for selling the stuff & that'd be closed down. so I think its safe.

chemicals can break down to be harmless &/or wash away, if they didnt your dog or cat would drop dead if it ever went in your lawn once you've used a weed control chemical. like I said chemicals can break down & be completely harmless once broken down, depending on what it is but you may only get sick & thats if you ate alot of whatever that had alot of the chemical on it.
chilehunter said:
I really dont know if its good or bad to use compost material from the city (lawn clippings,leaves,etc...)
BUT chemicals do break down &/or wash away, & some chemicals are harmless once dry. also remember all the chemiclas you intake from the air or produce you buy at the grocery store, or the fish you eat, or the toxins your body (skin) absorbs while swimming in certain waters or just being in contact with those chemicals (including your everyday products you use)

I kinda have a feeling city compost sites would be telling everyone not to use the stuff for edible produce (gardens) if there was an issue with toxins, but then again if there was a problem with toxins our sue happy lawyers would be all over the city for selling the stuff & that'd be closed down. so I think its safe.

chemicals can break down to be harmless &/or wash away, if they didnt your dog or cat would drop dead if it ever went in your lawn once you've used a weed control chemical. like I said chemicals can break down & be completely harmless once broken down, depending on what it is but you may only get sick & thats if you ate alot of whatever that had alot of the chemical on it.

Once again great written reponse......I was going to respond but the beer hase really taken care of my thinking process so I'll respond to this tomarrow.
alcohol allows the mind to expand someones thought process, it just makes speaking or typing those thoughts a challenge :lol:
BTW most times I've typed here was while drinking :shocked::lol:
chilehunter said:
alcohol allows the mind to expand someones thought process, it just makes speaking or typing those thoughts a challenge :lol:
BTW most times I've typed here was while drinking :shocked::lol:

Hahahaha, most of the times I've posted here I was high and or drunk so I guess we're even, lol.

Yes, alchohol allows for some expansion of thinking, typing, as you so elequently right nout.
imaguitargod said:
Hahahaha, most of the times I've posted here I was high and or drunk so I guess we're even, lol.

And you're all worried about the toxins in compost?
