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fermenting MikeUSMC's Ferments (pic heavy)

What's up, gang! Hope you don't mind, but I was kinda hoping to set up shop here, with the fermenting crew! Just officially joined THP today, but I've been lurking for quite some time, and you guys gave me enough confidence to start making/bottling my own stuff. Huge thanks in advance to all of you guys! You guys rock.

Anyway, here's a few concoctions I've been working on for the last year or so. All hobby stuff; mostly gifts for friends and family. A lot of these have been bottled up and given away already, but I thought I'd share what I've been working on so far. Here goes.....

My signature sauce ("Original Recipe"):
Douglahs, Chocolate Scotch Bonnets, pineapple, raisins, sweet onion, garlic, ginger, brown sugar, agave nectar, molasses, sea salt, Moscato wine (brine), powdered LB packets (starter)

Another few-
Red: Smoked red bells, smoked Red MoAs, smoked 7 Pot Lavas, sweet potato, roasted onion, roasted garlic, honey, sea salt, Moscato brine
Green: Blackened tomatillos, blackened Poblanos, jalapeños, and Scotch Bonnets (all green), sweet onion, roasted garlic, pineapple, cilantro, agave nectar, sea salt

Hobby labels for those ^:

My latest one (just processed about a week ago, not bottled yet):
Scotch Bonnets, golden raisins, baby carrots, red onion, fresh garlic, yellow bell pepper, yellow mustard, ginger, turbinado sugar, sea salt, ground turmeric, Pinot Grigio brine

Looked crazy, hahaha

I've got a few more ideas up my sleeve, and a freezer full of pods from last season! Thanks for looking, everybody!
MikeUSMC said:
Thanks for the compliment on the Original Recipe sauce, Rick! Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I lost 2 out of 3 batches of the O.R. this time, but one was just fine. I am kinda bummed I lost the batch that I made with the Chocolate Bhutlahs though :mope: That one was sure to be a SCORCHER! ;)

I went through all of your sauces pretty quick! Moose Breath was gone within a week :) Everything from pancakes and waffles to ice cream! Your "Ghostly" one went quickly too, mostly on pizza and pasta (pretty much anything that had any kind of marinara sauce in/on it), and even sandwiches. The apple/maple one was a FANTASTIC dessert sauce that went on ice cream and complimented cheesecake fantastically. Flaming Pumpkin was a pretty unique (but tasty!) sauce. I still have some of that left. I wasn't sure what to put that on except pumpkin pie, around the holidays, but maybe I should give it a whirl on some vanilla ice cream too :party:

Thanks again, bud, and sorry for the delayed feedback!
If you like curries, sausage gravy over biscuits, egg and cheese dishes or braised greens... the flaming pumpkin sauce is excellent on all of them. Glad you liked them. ☺

Two of three jars molded... Ouch! When I've made fermented sauces I've done it in 1gal jars with screw-on lids that I got from the deli department in a couple of local grocery stores. I don't use airlocks...
Just add a tablespoon of honey to the inoculated mash so it starts to work quickly and screw the lid down loosely so the excess CO2 can escape if it needs to. The rest is heavier than air, and will provide an inhospitable environment for unfriendly microbes provided you leave the lid alone and don't mix air into the CO2 until you're ready to start eating. Make sure all surfaces and tools are thoroughly clean and the veggies in the mash as well. When I make kimchi I save a couple of whole cabbage leaves to lay on top, and I tuck the edges in at the sides below the shoulders of the jar to wedge them in... Then I cover with an inch of brine to make sure the cabbage leaves stay under it.

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Thanks guys. I've probably got about 30-40 ferments under my belt by now. Same process for all of them. Sanitize everything the same way every time, blah, blah, blah.... First two I've ever had go bad. Sucks losing a full gallon of (freakin' amazing ;) ) sauce all at once.

The good news is, I was able to process the 3rd one, and the 2 out of every 3 people that might've gotten a surprise bottle in the mail didn't know they might've had one coming in the mail in the first place ;)


Your label was broken, I fixed it for you.
MikeUSMC said:
Hybrid Mode 01 swears it's awesome on ice cream sandwiches :shocked:

lmao :rofl:
someone was  :high:
dammit now i want an ice-cream sandwich to try it on  :D
Great sauces Mike  :drooling:  still got some in the fridge but they are up front in the regular rotation. 
That Brady Baha Goat sauce gets talked about and asked about among my buddies more than any of the others  ;)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
That Brady Baha Goat sauce gets talked about and asked about among my buddies more than any of the others  ;)
Thanks again, GIP! Really, the Brady one gets that much talk? That was supposed to be a "one and done" batch. I was more excited about the label than the contents :rofl: Hmmm.... good to know, thanks! I'm gonna have to make that one again, I guess! Growing Goats again this year too :party:
MikeUSMC said:
Thanks again, GIP! Really, the Brady one gets that much talk? That was supposed to be a "one and done" batch. I was more excited about the label than the contents :rofl: Hmmm.... good to know, thanks! I'm gonna have to make that one again, I guess! Growing Goats again this year too :party:
Depending who is asking for it, it is referred to as Brady-G.O.A.T. sauce, or Brady-Jesus sauce lol :lol: 
I think the Smelting Pot label on your red sauce scares a couple of my buddies  :rofl:
thanks again Mike