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MiLK_MaN grow list - 2009/2010

I had a chance to tally up my plants this morning, and here's the list that has no more than an additional 10 plants to add to:

Bhut Jolokia 9
Bhut Jolokia - Orange 6
Trinidad Scorpion 6
7 Pod 5
Naga Morich 5
Bhut Jolokia - CPI 4
7 Pod - Barrackpore 3
Bhut Jolokia - Assam 3
Bhut Jolokia - Chocolate 3
Habanero - Red Savina 3
Asian Birdseye 2
Chilli Brazil #1 (from Fatalii.net) 2
Dorset Naga 2
Golden Nugget 2
Habanero - Chocolate 2
Habanero - Morouga Yellow 2
Hot Cherries 2
PI 355812 2
Rocoto - De San Isidro 2
Unknown Pube 2
African Bird 1
Aji Crystal 1
Aji Lemon 1
Bih Jolokia 1
CAP 343 1
Capsicum - Californian Wonder 1
Corro Di Torro Rosso 1
Goats Weed 1
Habanero - Caribbean Red 1
Habanero - Morouga Red 1
Hungarian Hot Wax 1
Inca Red Drop 1
Manzano - Red 1
Manzano - Yellow 1
Numex Espanola 1
Pequin 1
Ramiro 1
Rocoto - Red 1
Santa Fe Grande 1
Tabasco 1
Thai Red 1
Turbo Pube 1

I'm definitely adding another Morouga Red, and a Golden Cayenne to the tally soon, not sure what I'm going to use for the remainder, as I have about another 50 odd seedlings of various varieties floating around to use.

Some photos of my front yard:




Easier to make a list of what you are NOT growing!

What do you do with all the fruit and what happens next winter?
Wunder said:
What do you do with all the fruit and what happens next winter?

For all the Nagas/Bhuts, I have an Indian restaurant that makes a paste out of them, and creates a signature curry with it. Havent sorted out a price per kg yet, but I'm thinking $20 - $30 a kg.

For the Trinidad Scorpions and 7 Pods, I'll end up making sauce.

Not sure on the rest yet ;)

ZanderSpice said:
Very nice! How will you water them all?

Would you believe I water them all by a 9L watering can?

I alternate weeks of Chilli Focus and Worm Juice on the weekend, and then give plain water when required. This week they've had 2 extra waterings already thanks to a spring heat wave.

wordwiz said:
Milk Man,

How did your plants turn out this year? They looked super-dee-duper earlier.


Do you mean the last grow season (08/09)? I got quite a bit of fruit once I started using rain water, but that wasnt until like February/March. This year, since my tanks were full, I've been able to solely use rain water, so I hope to have a bumper season this time around.

I have some 2nd/3rd year plants that are flowering already, so I may be able to harvest some pods in the 1st or 2nd weeks of January.

Tkromer said:
How big are those pots? 5Gallon?

No idea. We have a roadside car assistance company called RACV here in Victoria, and there is this dude that drives past every now and then that donated a heap of pots to me.

5 gallon is about a rough guess, I would of said they are about 25L pots, which looks to be 6.75 gallons or something.

Deathtosnails said:
Aren't you worried that someone might pinch 'em or cause mischief?

Looks great, it's going to be a pepper jungle soon ;)

It is definitely on my mind, but I had a chilli hedge last year around my drive way and foot path to the front door, and noone touched those.
wow Milk Man you have your hands full! did you start everything from seeds ? To me it looks like a production line! soon it will become a factory producing hot peppers!!!
Are you doing this full time ??? very nice arrangement
srin2 said:
wow Milk Man you have your hands full! did you start everything from seeds ? To me it looks like a production line! soon it will become a factory producing hot peppers!!!
Are you doing this full time ??? very nice arrangement

I think about 6 plants are clones, the rest were all started from seed.

I can't say I look after the plants full time, essentially I either water before or after work, and on weekends.
I'm a chilli noob and have a watering question. I've read somewhere that the amount of capsaicin increases when you let the chilli plant go dry between waterings. Is this for when the plant has fruit or during the growth cycle? I don't want to kill all my plants with an experiment. How often are you watering? For me it's every second day with this heat. Guess common sense dictates wether or not your plants need water but I'm still curious about the drying off period.

end of drunken waffle :).
It is true that stressing a plant by either over or under watering can produce higher amounts of capsaicin, but you seriously jeapordise the health of the plant if you don't get it right, and can end up killing them.

There are times that I leave for work in the morning and come home to find the plants on the edge of death due to lack of water, but a bit of watering and you find that within a hour they are back to normal.

I always water at least every weekend, and during the week when either I know its going to be fairly hot, or when the plants look like they are suffering a little.

I've also started foliar feeding with some nutrients from a company called Fair Dinkum Fertilisers from here in Melbourne. It's a seaweed based fertiliser with added NPK, supposedly they have a number of capsicum growers both hydroponically and soil based, so it will be interesting to see how that goes.
SeeYouJimmy said:
Which one of their fertilizers are you using?

Superfine - Premium.

I was originally using Chilli Focus as a soil drench only, but they decided to up their prices, and was going to cost some ridiculous price for 20L to be shipped from Perth.

I've decided to alternate between a soil drench of fertiliser and worm juice on the weekends, and foliar spray every few days.