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indoor MiLK_MaN's grow tent of 2008

My first experimentation with a grow tent in the garage with a 600W lamp and gravity fed hydro setup.

It all started with some seedlings... (taken on 20/3)


Then when they were big enough for the tent, they were moved to the hydro (taken 29/3) (the big plant on the left is a Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet that I adress lower down in the post)


Now look at them (taken today 20/4)


The plants in the picture are as follows:

Back 2 left: Chocolate Habanero
Back 2 middle left: Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Back 2 middle right: Naga Jolokia (or possibly Bhut Jolokia, seeds may have been mislabeled)
Back 2 right: Red Savina Habanero
Front middle left: No idea, it's the one Im trying to rescue from a previous post
Front middle right: California Wonder
Front right: Roma Tomatoes

Bring on the salsa over winter!
As for this Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet, well I had been growing it outside, and it was going ok, but used it as an initial experiment to see that the lighting setup was going ok.

Here it is on 20/3:


And yesterday 19/4:


And its fruiting like crazy:


I move it outside during the day when there's sunshine while its still 20+ degrees in Autumn.

Going to be a great winter ;)
NatGreenMeds said:
What a selection! You've chosen some of the same ones I just did.

What type of nutrient mixture are you feeding them with?

I have some left-over General Hydroponics "Flora Series" 3-part nute that I'm going to try when my seeds get to me.

I've converted a 3.5 x 5.5 foot closet into a hydro room for mine. It was a walk-in closet, but I'm closet rich and indoor plant area poor, so I re-made the closet into my pepper room.

Good luck to you!

I did a bit of reading, and from Australia, it looks like DutchMaster Gold nutrients (www.dutchmaster.com.au) were the best, although it was the marijuana growers that were glowing about them.

I'm about to try their foliar spray, which they claim adds 66% more light to be processed by the plant. Again, raving claims from various people, so I'll try it and report back.

I'm still only using a 600W MH lamp at the moment, waiting until the chillis are of decent size before swapping to a HPS lamp. The temperature inside the grow room still gets to above 25 degrees on cold days here, so its pretty good actually.
Just so you all know a HPS ballast will run newer MH bulb in most cases. I got a the 4000K MH from lowes amd it run fine in the HPS ballast. If not the is a ceramic metal halide that is ment to be run in a pulse start HPS ballast. A HPS ballast will only shorten the bulb life of a MH bulb during starts. Just start the MH bulb and run it 27/7. No problems here.
jh35ky123 said:
so you say you are using a conversion bulb? whats the name brand and where did you get it ? thx milk man

Not sure if you can get what Im using where you are from, but the distributor website is http://www.growlush.com/

I think my entire setup minus the exhaust fans are from there, although I bought from an ebay seller.
it looks like an autopot system BB basically its a wick old school system I got one I don'tuse anymore its pretty cool.
billyboy said:
Interesting those tents, are you "recirculating" or "run to waste" with your grow?

Yeah, as the previous poster suggested it is an Autopot. The designer reckons you can get away without having to empty the water plus nutrients and just keep topping up with fresh water and the correct nutrients quantity, but I've set myself a 4 week cleaning regime.

All it has is some sort of valve with a float that maintains a correct water level in the reservoir area, and I'm using 50/50 perlite and vermiculite as the growing medium.
The valve is like a mini float you use in the toilet cistern or a cattle water trough but plastic and easy to break lol.
They are pretty good though expensive unless you want to buy 2000lol
I looked into it once lol. the wife said no......
If you read on the Autopot website, they have heaps of examples where farmers form overseas have used in for professional farming purposes, but obviously using a pump assisted setup.

Seriously, if these things serve me well, I've already warned the missus that the next house will have a big greenhouse built full of autopots ;)
they are good but checkout BB's run to waste drip set up in cocco. Its much cheaper and will do a better job in the long run. Another way is to use justthe valve in a very large tray, put heaps ofpots in the tray and add a bubbler to bypass stagnant water probs. Also stick with a mostly perlite and little bit vermiculite mix it seems to go well in these units.

...........................................................very nice...............................................