indoor-growing MiLK_MaN's grow tent of 2008

stillmanz said:
I think he's taking the piss mate.

I thought so, just wanted to make sure I wasnt reading along the wrong lines :)

I wonder if anyone has ever thought of trimming the bush one lonely evening and try germinating in that. Eeeeeek, too much wine on a Sunday.
I have seen them that big -- nice and healthy.... one hell of a biting match the little one got into eh (1273)?

Yeah, little Bailey came home from child care with that, and they claimed at child care that they knew nothing about it, or he didnt cry.

So either Bailey is one tough little cookie, or child care workers are a pack of lying 's
So, another two week update. Finally changed the light over to HPS as I started to see flowers forming on the majority of plants, and now switched to bloom nutrients.


Not a bad growth improvement in two weeks. Interesting thing to note is that the plant in the front left corner is a Yellow Scotch Bonnet, and so is the two middle left plants (front and back). Totally different looking, the front left had been initially grown outside, and in soil, but then moved under the lights, where as the other two has been completely hydroponic and under lights.

Perhaps I might just do a soil based grow next season, will see how many fruit I get out of the hydro setup first.


I only have one concern, and thats for one of my Chocolate Habs (pictured above). It seems to be slow growing, I have another Chocolate Hab that is about double the size, but you cant see it in the photo because the bloody bushy Yellow Scotch Bonnet is in the way.
milk man, can you provide some specs on your grow tent? (mfg, size, cost, ventilation, pros/cons) I would like to get one myself but I want to be sure about before I go ahead and buy. I've been looking at the Homebox S.
The experience I have has been good, so good, that I had to reduce the number of plants from 12 to 7 in the tent because the plants just grew too big.

I do find it very hard to get temperatures down to an acceptable range during summer though, last summer we got over 40 centigrade some days, and the tent was about the same, or just under, with both a blowing and extracting exhaust fan running. I do have a refrigerated air conditioner that I could use with a thermal controller to get the temperature down during the day, but it takes up a lot of room, and just adds to the electricity bill.

All in all, I'm happy with what I have. The Autopot is gone, and everything is in soil based pots now, can take the plants out whenever I need to and clean it all out.
fineexampl said:
What does the outside of this setup look like? What are the specifics of how the tent itself looks? Very cool!

The particular tent I got is 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m. It has 150mm holes, I'm using 2 for exhaust fans (blowing and extraction), the other is where the power leds feed out of. Although the holes are 150mm, you'll find 125mm ducting is much easier to get into the tent. There's also 2 side flaps that let some air escape, in case you are saying blowing air into the tent only, which I do currently.

Not sure what you mean by outside of the tent? I have my ballast for the lamp slightly elevated off the ground on some cardboard. I have the blowing exhaust fan lying on the ground of the garage (to blow cold air into the tent), and an extracting exhaust fan sitting on a half sized ladder (to extract warm air). I'm thinking of putting a hole in the roof to pump the hot air from the tent into for summer, or just get a common bathroom exhaust installed, will look into costs and what the missus will put up with ;)
Updated picture :)


Had to cut a few branches on both the Red Savina and Bhut Jolokia because the leaves were getting burnt, and the light cant go much higher :(