Well AJ and Potawie suggested it and I think it's a great idea so here goes. Everyone, with the idea to help others not repeat your mistakes, post some stupid things you have done this season (so far).
Mine is starting annums in January and leaving them in cups until today. The ones that lived through that torture were so root bound that they looked to be in a white cup when I removed them from their red plastic cups. Also, planting out without looking at the forecast. Yeah I looked at the temps at night and such, but neglected to see the possible hail warning. I guess you live and learn.
Mine is starting annums in January and leaving them in cups until today. The ones that lived through that torture were so root bound that they looked to be in a white cup when I removed them from their red plastic cups. Also, planting out without looking at the forecast. Yeah I looked at the temps at night and such, but neglected to see the possible hail warning. I guess you live and learn.