• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MisterNo's 2013 glog - still harvesting/processing... :)

It's that time of the year again, and I'm getting excited :)

I got my growing list set right at 50 varieties :fireball:
Not sure how I'm gonna pull ii off, but I sure will try :)

Here they are, in no particulare order:
Jalapeno Purple
Jalapeno M heavy corking
Fatalli Yellow
Naga Bhut Jolokia
Bishop's crown
Red Cherry
Chile de Arbol
Big Jim Anaheim
White Habanero
Habanero Mustard
Cayenne Thick
Habanero Red
Chocolate Habanero
Giant White Habanero
Habanero Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Red Savina
7 Pot Brain Strain
Numex Bailey Piquin
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Cayenne Ring of Fire
Aji Cubanelle
Black Stinger
Cayenne Red
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Trinidad Perfume
Tigerteeth Habanero
Aji Yellow
Wiri Wiri ''Maa''
Peach Habalokia F2
Inca Berry
White Bullet Habanero
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion ''FG''
Red Rocoto
Wild Brasil
Yellow Datil
Fatalli Chocolate
Aribibi Gusano
Red Paper Lantern Habanero
Hungarian Wax
Orange Manzano
Orange Habanero
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Scotch Bonnet Orange

I got almoust everything I need ready for a start this weekend. Hope it all goes well...

It is virtually impossible to start them all in the same time, so I will try some long growing peppers like Manzano first. Any other suggestions on what to start first?
Yeah... I've been getting the same thing on my Annuums. I think it's a combination of being over-watered due to all the rain we've gotten lately and the high winds. I don't know if the cool growing temperatures have anything to do with it in addition. I've just been pinching off those leaves as I go.
Not sure if that's the reason over here - these plants were in a plastic greenhouse, isolated from large rains. We are over 90 F from today till the weekend, and were over 80 F last week with no rain.

I was thinking it's too hot for them, they are on direct sun 9 hours per day. Tomorrow I will relocate them to a less sunny part of my yard for a few days and look for any change. I gave them a large amount of water today, soil was very dry.
Leaf rotation solved with large amount of water yesterday

20 hours after putting 5 litres of water into the soil:

I think this  sun is just too much for the plants at the moment, after a long cold period we jumped right into the extremely hot summer. I have to water the plants every other day.
Gonna shorten their every day exposure to sun in the evening.
Maybe you're right Robert... things here were cold for awhile, then got quite hot for a week or so, then cooled off and rained nearly every day after that. Even when it rained though, the leaves didn't untwist here, but maybe it was because it was so windy. 
Thanks for dropping into DocNrock's glog to answer his questions. I hope he thanked you too. Cheers!
No problem, Doc has an interesting glog and he seems like a cool dude.

There is a lot of great glogs here, a lot of nice and usefull things to read and see. Wish I had more time to check them all out.

Just to be sure I relocated my plants so they have a little more shade and less direct sun.
My father in law is keeping plants I gave him in almoust complete shade, with only 2-3 hours of direct sun, and his plants are as big as mine, and they are in 2-3 gallon pots. Gotta take a picture next time I visit.
No problem, Doc has an interesting glog and he seems like a cool dude.

There is a lot of great glogs here, a lot of nice and usefull things to read and see. Wish I had more time to check them all out.

Just to be sure I relocated my plants so they have a little more shade and less direct sun.

My father in law is keeping plants I gave him in almoust complete shade, with only 2-3 hours of direct sun, and his plants are as big as mine, and they are in 2-3 gallon pots. Gotta take a picture next time I visit.
I went to my parents place yesteday, and woohoo, what an update,  some serious pod sizes there, and great growth in past hot week.
Thing are looking better  every day


Wild Brasil

Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon

Jamaican Red

Tomatillos are also setting pods, almousta month earlier then last season
Alright Robert! Those are some healthy looking plants for sure. The pods on the Poblano in the first pic are looking sweet and the Tomatillo is gonna be a beast. Good on ya my friend!
In a side note... the leaves on your Wild Brasil look awfully similar to my Cheiro, which is also from that part of the world. It'll be interesting to compare the two when they get ripe fruit.
Yeah I've had some leaf turning, though im thinking are for the reasons stick bro mentioned. I've had rain and wind like crazy. Last night it smashed some if my plants into the soil at 90 degrees. they got drenched with copper solution as a preventative measure an stakes up better. Glad to see you solve your leaf issues! Looking pretty swell man, keep I up!
Thanks for stopping by guys :)
stickman said:
In a side note... the leaves on your Wild Brasil look awfully similar to my Cheiro, which is also from that part of the world. It'll be interesting to compare the two when they get ripe fruit.
I'm curious, about that, mine are flowering now. This one doesn't like too much sun, grows far better in a deep shade.
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Robert,

Nice plants, Robert! They are beautiful green.
That tomatillo is a real monster! :-)

Thanks Balasz :)
Peptacular said:
Yeah I've had some leaf turning, though im thinking are for the reasons stick bro mentioned. I've had rain and wind like crazy. Last night it smashed some if my plants into the soil at 90 degrees. they got drenched with copper solution as a preventative measure an stakes up better. Glad to see you solve your leaf issues! Looking pretty swell man, keep I up!
Thanks :)
Yeah it could just be that. Anyway the problem is gone, I have no more leaf turning, but good to know what I can do about that!
A little update.
Plants that were overdosed with Calcium have recovered, they are flowerin and processing pods!

Orange Manzano with complete set on new leaves (I pulled out older ones)

Wirir Wiri Ma flowering

Just to compare new leaves with a big old Ca overdosed leaf on Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon, those were quite big.

Those two guys are 7 Pot Primo Orange. At least, that's what I bought them for, but I'm not sure - they have grown quite fast, wich is not usual for 7 Pots. Pod is too small to tell.





Wow Robert, +1 on what Balázs had to say... those plants are beauties! It won't be long before you start harvesting as well. Keep 'em green my friend!
Thanks guys :)
Potted plants are starting to pod up too. I gave them a High K fertilizer to start them up a bit.
Elephant Pepper, those pods came to this size in 48 hours

Jamiacan Red:

Moruga Yellow is finally starting with buds
Hi Robert, nice pics as usual. It's good to see flowers starting on your chinense plants to go with your Annuum pods... Keep 'em coming buddy!
Thanks for stopping by guys :)
Hvala Ramon :D
You know Croatian?
Been to my parents place yesterday, and between 6 or maybe 7 showers I took some pics.

Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon

Finally a Pubescens opening flower - Rocoto Yellow

This was bought as Fatali Yellow (from Premier Seeds Direct), but it isn't

This was bought as 7 Pot Primo Orange (from Semillas la Palma), but it isn't

Sweet peppers - Kapija's and others:

Everything looks fine, just a few unknown peppers :)
Hi Robert, it looks like your chiles enjoy the rain as much as mine do. They're definitely growing quickly. Pods on the Indian Carbon are a nice bonus. Thanks for sharing!