• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MisterNo's 2013 glog - still harvesting/processing... :)

It's that time of the year again, and I'm getting excited :)

I got my growing list set right at 50 varieties :fireball:
Not sure how I'm gonna pull ii off, but I sure will try :)

Here they are, in no particulare order:
Jalapeno Purple
Jalapeno M heavy corking
Fatalli Yellow
Naga Bhut Jolokia
Bishop's crown
Red Cherry
Chile de Arbol
Big Jim Anaheim
White Habanero
Habanero Mustard
Cayenne Thick
Habanero Red
Chocolate Habanero
Giant White Habanero
Habanero Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Red Savina
7 Pot Brain Strain
Numex Bailey Piquin
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Cayenne Ring of Fire
Aji Cubanelle
Black Stinger
Cayenne Red
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Trinidad Perfume
Tigerteeth Habanero
Aji Yellow
Wiri Wiri ''Maa''
Peach Habalokia F2
Inca Berry
White Bullet Habanero
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion ''FG''
Red Rocoto
Wild Brasil
Yellow Datil
Fatalli Chocolate
Aribibi Gusano
Red Paper Lantern Habanero
Hungarian Wax
Orange Manzano
Orange Habanero
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Scotch Bonnet Orange

I got almoust everything I need ready for a start this weekend. Hope it all goes well...

It is virtually impossible to start them all in the same time, so I will try some long growing peppers like Manzano first. Any other suggestions on what to start first?
Thanks Rick :)

I appreciate your advice very much! Your Poblanos got really huge last season.

I know it's a lot of plants, but I will not sell them. I'll probably give away something like 20 peppers and 30 tomatoes to friend growers, and probably all plants wont survive. I lost 6 tomato seedlings just yesterday on very hot sun.

Still, I could be left with 150 hot pepper plant, 20 sweet peppers and 150 tomatoes :D
My folks have a lot of unused land, I'll try to use it as much as I can ;)
Got some free time this weekend so I started potting up some of the bigger plants. I'll be potting up those that will finally come to a 5 gallon pots, around 30 plants.

Majority of my peppers is going into the ground on my folks ranch, and they will not be potted up before planting, I stand no chance doing that, just to many of them. Also those that get into the ground are doing much better when they are planted earlier. From my experience in last few years younger (smaller) plants did better then bigger ones when transplanted into the ground (both by plant size and pod number).

Dirt day will not be so soon unfortunatelly, soil is still too wet from heavy rains last few weeks. Frost is still a threat also.

So this is my pepper treasure :)


Peppers and tomatoes

And a reward after hard work, a spicy hot as fire hot dog :)
Hi Robert, looks like you're rolling hot guy... I hope things warm up soon and we "Nortenos" can finally plant out! Cheers
First Dirt day is behind me :)

Ground is ready

Peppers, tomatoes and tomatillos, all ready to go, got some compost mixed with perlite, mykos and horse manure to give them a boost at their final destination


Few of the happy plants :)

1/4 of peppers and 1/5 of tomatoes is planted :D
Thanks for stoping by Rick, hope your weather gets better soon.

Since my online order of textile bag pots for air pruning didn't came, I decided to make my own :)

Did some research and found that geotextile is the material used so I went to a local garden & home shop and bought some geotex for construction sites and my wifey was kind enough to help :)


Things needed:

This is 80x40cm (roughly 31x15.5 inches) geotex, for 3 gallon pot

Folded the geotex in half, so I get 40x40cm piece.

Sew the left and right side


Turn it inside out so that the stitches will be inside

And here it is, next to a 3 gallon pot, and there's a smaller version of an geotex pot also:

The cost is insignificant, the cost of geotex for this air pot is under 1$ :)
That's really cool Robert! I'll definitely file that one away for future reference... Let us know how the staples last. I'd be inclined to sew it with thread instead, but my wife has a treadle-powered sewing machine that originally belonged to a furrier, and it will certainly handle this!
That's really cool Robert! I'll definitely file that one away for future reference... Let us know how the staples last. I'd be inclined to sew it with thread instead, but my wife has a treadle-powered sewing machine that originally belonged to a furrier, and it will certainly handle this!

Thanks Rick, I think it will last through the season, it looks firm and compact.

I also wanted it sewed on my wife's sewing machine but it doesn't work ATM.
I just made a prototype, hope we get machine in order till air pot production time (probably in a month) :)
Since there's not much going on with the plants, I can sum up my germination numbers

Jalapeno M 7/10
Jalapeno Purple 6/10
Red Hot Paper Lantern Habanero 9/10
Mustard Habanero 5/5
Aji Yellow 4/5
Serrano 0/5
Vesena 1/5
Ring of Fire 1/5
Piquin 0/5
Big Jim Anaheim 6/10
Chile De Arbol 3/10
Cayenne Thick 7/10
Cayenne Red 0/10
Purira 6/10
Fatalii Yellow 7/7
TS Moruga Red 4/6
TS Moruga Yellow 4/6
7 Pot Primo Orange 7/7
7 Pot Barrackpore 6/7
Roccoto Costa Rican Red 6/7
Roccoto Yellow 5/6
Orange Habanero 3/5
White Bullet Habanero 4/5
Early Jalapeno 4/5
Tepin 2/5
Orange Manzano 4/9
Tabasco 4/5
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion FG 13/14
Yellow Datil 7/10
Poblano 3/4
Red Rocoto 1/2
Aribibi Gusano 3/4
Inca Berry 7/12
Scotch Bonnet Orange 12/12
Jamaican Red 11/12
Green Habanero 9/9
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon 7/8
Peach Habalokia 3/4
Wiri Wiri Ma 4/4
Wild Brasil 2/4
Butch-T 3/4
Choco Fatalii 10/11
Douglah 6/6
Elephant 5/5
Tigerteeth Habanero 5/5

Sweet peppers:
Cubanelle 0/10
Sweet Habanero 8/10
Sweet Pepper Heirloom Mix 7/10
Sweet Choco Pepper 7/10
Yellow Trinidad Perfume 5/10
Kurtovska Kapija 8/10

Had no luck with Piquin and Serrano this year, but it was older seeds, just like Cubanelle and Cayenne Red.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with germination rates, beside few varieties.

If all goes well, I'll try to plant most of the bigger peppers in the ground next week, about 80 of them, so there's gonna be a lot of work :)
Thanks Rick, hope it goes that way :)

Orange Manzano is enjoying geotex bag, didn't water from planting - a week ago and it still has a lot of moist in soil, despite summer temps that we are having here every day (75-80 F).

I noticed a strange cup today among peppers - 6 Douglah peppers that I forgot to transplant :D

Although they do look healthy, I decided it was time to split this guys


4 of them in their new cups, ready to enjoy all the soil for them self :D
Sorry you could only keep 4 Robert, but that's still better than half. The manzano you pictured is about as big as the one I got from Shane. I tried some of his orange manzano powder last year, and I think you'll like it. Cheers!
Thanks Rick :)

Actually, I kept all of them, two of them just didn't made it in the pic :D
I don't like killing peppers off, I will rather give them away instead.

I should germinate all my peppers like this, it could save a lot of space :D

I'm looking forward to Manzanos and Rocotos, I've never grown them before :)
Hard working Labor Day is behind me. It was indeed Dirt Day no.2.
Didn't have time to take pics, it was all about work efficiency :)

To sum up:
95 chilli peppers planted in the ground (51 today)
63 tomatos in the ground + 18 sweet peppers + 9 tomatillos

They are all at my parents ranch and it is already very hot (80 F was Tmax today).
Didn't have time this year to make an irrigation system, so I installed 30 meters hose for watering, and fill up a 100 litre barrel with water near the plants, it should make watering easier for my parents.

I just hope there will be no water reduction due to drought like last year.
I went to my parents ranch to plant some more tomatoes and to check how the peppers are doing.

I noticed a strange thing - there's a 3-4 inch sized Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon with bud forming on top :D

Hope it doesn't stay that size :D

There are few more peppers of that size with buds formed, the rest is ok, nothing much worth picture taking.

We also had hail in my town few days ago, but my peppers were in greenhouse :)
Those planted at my parents ranch were saved, rain only, no ice :)
Looks like home made air pot is doing good, Manzano is growing fast, already the biggest plant in my yard (was a bit smaller then the others at the time - there's picture up there from 16 days a go to compare). Wiri Wiri Ma is in the other geotex bag:


And since we are having a real tropical climate with lots of sun and rain every day, he is already developing a bud at the top:
Hi Robert
Love the look of that Manzano. It's the darkest green I've ever seen on one. All that rain must be giving it a big shot in the arm. Cheers!