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Miticided-Oberon by Bayer

I have a Mite problem.
They are back.
Beth at PEPPERMANIA sent me some info from an AG. guy at a recent seminar/class she attended , guy said try OBERON.

I googled This




Bad news during summer on colored weeds.


Bad news to fishies etc.

Can't find a half life or breakdown rate...
Longest period for Harvest is 30 days.

I want to saturate my grow area with something like this crap to clear out anything/mites that survived through winter.
Not necessarily use it on my new plants.

Anybody try this stuff?
PDF's are contradicting-one says won't hurt anything but mites , white flies and whatever the heck psyllids are,others say it kills more stuff.

I HAVE to clear the grow area out of these bastards/Mites.
I hate using poison but $300. worth of mite eating bugs couldn't keep up last season.
They all died from Gluttony I think.

Funny thing is,I have hundreds of pots out there with dead sticks in them from last year with Ladybugs on them now.
Ladybugs must be tough critters with all the crap I sprayed trying to kill the mites.
Birds were dropping out of the sky from flying over my garden last year from all the crap I tried to use on the mites.

Hope they(Ladybugs) are eating Mite Eggs now.
On a couple plants I still have mites.
Only a couple plants survived last year.

Any ideas,info on the miticide?

I had to buy pods and powders last year to feed my addiction...
Thats how bad my season was.
I have been using Organocide for 3 or 4 months now. I love the stuff. It kills bugs DED. My peppers love it and as it has fish oil as a base, it fertilizes them as well.

"a unique blend of soybean extract and sesame and fish oils"

"Effective on a wide variety of insects, mites, armored and soft scales and certain fungal diseases like black spot on roses and powdery mildew"


You can get it at Home Depot, and Walmart, and probably other places as well.
I use it, and rotate with abamectin.

the use is 7 days pre harvest with peppers...it's a good product.
when you have a broad mite attack, after the first spray, the next one is 3 days later, the life cicle of egg is 3 days...so if you spray today, next spray is on saturday...
Hmmm I just posted this same info in one of AJ's threads. It is good stuff if you can get it over there. I have used it as a soil drench to combat overwintering mealybug who live under the soil until conditions are right for them it works a treat on the aphids too and its non toxic.
I am never without a 5 litre bottle of the stuff.:beer: Woops wrong bottle.

Natrasoap is a new generation broad-spectrum insecticide formulated using potassium salts combined with fatty acids in a vegetable oil base. Natrasoap's mode of action is effective against a wide range of insect pests including aphids, mites, Leafhopper, thrips, whitefly. Natrasoap is a contact pesticide spray and best suited for early season application. Natrasoap used in an I.P.M. program has demonstrated an ideal fit as it has a different mode of action and is softer on predators than most currently used pesticides. It is cost effective and has nil residual, making it environmentally safe. Natrasoap is a BFA registered input
http://www.agrobest.com.au/products/Natrasoap-38.html<BR class=space>