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Mixing peppers- A good idea?

Is it ok to mix different kinds of peppers or should i stick with one? I recently made some sauce mixing a few kinds of peppers and it turned out pretty good but it looks like dirty water. So, yes, no? Thanks.:)
As long as you mix the right ones together it can work really well.
I recently aquired a sauce called "Scorpions Blood" and into it went 17 different varieites of peppers. Tastes real good too.

Its all a matter of experimentation.
i made 2 batches of sauce over the weekend both using the same base items only diff between them was the peppers used.
One was just scotch bonnets and had a nice fruity taste and in the other was red habs and chipotles which had a nice under tone of smokiness. I have now got none left because everyone
That i have a taste sample too wanted some so from 14 bottles i'm left with none for myself, so it looks like it's back
To the kitchen for me!