• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

Well here is my grow list and status. I had a smaller home built greenhouse but I am quickly running out of room so I built a 8' long x 2' deep x 4' high one last night. Used reflective 4x8 sheet in back and bottom/sides/top are some r13 insulation that is suppose to have 98% reflectivity. We shall see. As of now, I have 445 seeds planted and/or purchased and 147 germinated seeds. Other than the 2010 Jalapeno, all seeds with a "0" germination have not been planted yet and/or were just planted in the past few day. My favorite new supplier is Trade Winds Fruit. Their seeds are germinating at an unbelievable rate. My current list is....

Nice looking pepper forest you and McCutie-pie have there. As long as we continue to dodge the rapture, you'll be in great shape. You can fill that old barn right up with the pods you'll get from those ;)
Here is what the backyard looked like yesterday. We decided to be proactive and ran outside when the tornado sirens were going off. Laid all the plants on their sides. :) We only had one casualty ( a tomato ), one injured (chocolate hab), and no tornadoes (just torrential rain and some wind).


Wishing some sunshine sirens would go off! :fireball: Sure could use some to dry up the land.
When I first saw the pic, I gasped, thinking the storm had blown everything over. What a relief to know they are all safe!
Yea we got pretty strong winds and had tornado warnings. Figured they might get picked up and tossed..but they were not gonna get snapped from standing straight up! lol
I also didnt want them getting a bunch of water because we had just fed them
I saw the pic and I thought "OMG, another disaster caused by tornados!"

Thankfully I was wrong. :)

Brilliant idea, probably saved your growing season.

we were laughing..with all the talk of the end of the world and "zombies"..it looks like a bunch of plant zombies laying all over the place :)
That really was a good idea the two of you had! Hope the weather calms down significantly for ALL of us very soon.
We're having our first sunny day, after 8 days of cold and wet. Now I'm trying to decide whether to start planting out, since the forecast is calling for winds in the 30 - 45 mph range tomorrow :confused:
MUST HAVE MORE PEPPERS.....(that was said in my zombie voice).

Mike brought home 12 Chile del Monte peppers yesterday, add in the three peppers we received from Hot Popper (thanks again HP!) and well... today I brought home 4 Italian roasters and one Hungarian wax, and we have well over 300 plants. :lol:

Pics will soon be up of our little peppers growing..yes McDermott Porn is on it's way!
WoW as others did i clicked the thread scrolled down and gasped! :shocked:

very quik thinkin :cool:

and wow nice over 300 plants going your going to be knee deep in peppers :onfire:
Well here is the "unofficial" "official" grow list after getting everything sorted and organized. This week we got the garden tilled, black mesh pegged to the ground, and pots sat on top. We have decided to leave everything in pots for the year since we now have them in big pots. I am going to use Cappy's approach and let them root out the bottom and dig into the earth. To much time and money spent on pots and dirt thanks to this weather. Once I get them all to the garden tonight, I will begin work on the isolation cages this weekend. We do have some serious pepper porn going on. Lots of pods starting on many plants. Some of the slims have nice red peppers already :) Pics to follow...one of these days when we get time. Since weather has finally cleared up, we have been SUPER busy getting the rest of the garden in as well. Now the fun part begins!

Well here is a little pepper porn. I will have to say that after just looking at Cappy's pepper porn, I feel like the guy in the shower that thinks he has something to show off until John Holmes walks in..then you cover up and get dressed in shame lol...but anyway..here is the start of the porn... :)







Short video of garden to come.