• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

Well here is my grow list and status. I had a smaller home built greenhouse but I am quickly running out of room so I built a 8' long x 2' deep x 4' high one last night. Used reflective 4x8 sheet in back and bottom/sides/top are some r13 insulation that is suppose to have 98% reflectivity. We shall see. As of now, I have 445 seeds planted and/or purchased and 147 germinated seeds. Other than the 2010 Jalapeno, all seeds with a "0" germination have not been planted yet and/or were just planted in the past few day. My favorite new supplier is Trade Winds Fruit. Their seeds are germinating at an unbelievable rate. My current list is....

great growlist and setup...good luck in 2011...

I noticed you didn't get any seeds from Beth at Peppermania...check her selection out...she has a good selection...

Actually I just found out about her in this forum this week. I plan on trying her out in the future. I hear good things about her. Thanks for the tip!
Very nice setup interested to see the duration and percent of your super hot germination. I'm 16 days into germination and out of 12 bhut's i have 1. Great job keep it up look forward to more posts!

In the two years I have been growing (or trying to grow) the bhut, I have found that patience is needed. I had some this year that took less than ten days. I had one the other day pop up (now its a nice little seedling) that has been in there for over a month...holding your mouth right will probably help to! :)
More germination today. Also got my 7 pods from Pepper Lover along with some other free seeds. Other than my brain strains I have coming, I am DONE :)

Not enough! I hope that soon I can start using my outdoor greenhouse. Right now I can hold 8 72 cell flats. That is fine but once I have to start transplanting...gonna run out of room fast. I may end up building another one before long.

Have you ever heard of the plastic container trick? That's the germination format that I'm using this year. I setup my six (72 cell trays) with grow plugs, but I am germinating them in plastic containers first and transfer over to the trays afterwards. It works fantastic. I don't have to wonder what to hell is going on with them. I have nine (72 cell trays) going now with three being used as over flow.

Well, I am being slammed with germinated seedling. Every year you tweak you setup from lessons learn the previous season. I through in about 15% to 30% more seeds over goal because you never get them all. I started 13 days ago and my success total is around 600. I will adjust my grow list when this stage is done.

My grow room is only suited for the germination and first grow stage. They will be placed next to one of two large south facing windows along with some extra lighting. I am adapting to what I have to work with. At some point I will need to build an edition with larger windows. Seems to work, but where I make up for this short coming is when I plant them in the ground. I have killer ground soil!!

I will take some pics when all the seedling are up and accounted for. We will be comparing notes throughout the season. That’s the best way for me to learn.

Your friend, Jack
Awesome, I just planted some more seeds and my number is still far less than yours. I'd really like to add the Brain strain, as it looks awesome. The cup method looks pretty cool and cheap. I'd agree I hate wondering what is going on under the soil. I've just been using rockwool cubes which seem to help with my germination rate and I can look in the hole and see what is happening. I think a lot more of your pepperlover seeds will pop, I planted some a little over a week ago and most them are showing their little heads.
did a lot of transplanting last night with wife. The MG soil I had originally used..some potting and seed soil..well to be nice it is total crap. I would drench this stuff twice a day and an hour later it was as dry as a popcorn fart. Well there isn't any more of that. Some plants i transplanted into bigger containers...some back in same container just with different soil. I started using MG moisture control. This soil seems to retain water fairly decent (added a bit of perlite to what was already in it). The ones I transplanted into bigger containers I also used hydroton and gave their first shot of nutrients (also added a bit of vinegar because i was around 7.5 on meter)
My newest 72 cell flat of 7 pods and Trinidads is growing like crazy in this soil. Just filled it with germinated seeds (from cups) monday or tuesday and already have 40+ seedlings out of the 72 seeds I put in it.
Will take/post some pics tonight.
I was just reading on one of the threads a little while ago that a real good potting mix to use is "Pro Mix BX". I'll be working on tracking some down in my area soon.
Well, growth started out slow but things are finally starting to grow. A big change in the past week. Bought some kelp and fish emulsion today. Gonna water/feed in a bit and will take recent pics to post. Thanks for all the information I have been given on here. Things are starting to look good.
Well, things are picking up. Used some fish emulsion for first time today. I think I will save that for outdoors only. Whew does that $%^& stink :) I even spilled 1/2 gallon of it on me. My wife wouldn't come near me until I showered :)
Plants started out slow but the past week they have gotten a lot taller with far thicker trunks.

Here are my 2 week old seedlings...





Here are my one month olds..






So far, my germination by supplier is:

Seed Savers Exchange - 85%
My own seeds from last year: 70%
Trade Winds Fruit - 61% (some just started in cups)
Pepper Joe - 56%
Reimer Seeds - 49%
Pepper Lovers - 29% (but I have a bunch that I just started in germination cups so this is not accurate. Minus these new ones, very good germination rate)
Another members 7 Pot Brain Strain - 22% (but I just started in cups about a week ago)
Regal Peppers - 19% (not impressed)
Well, I think I will end up with around 245 plants. I still have some seeds in germination cups but at this point, I think it is fair to say they aren't gonna grow.
Plants looking good. The last flat I grew has gone crazy. Only 3 weeks old and I just transplanted the bulk of them last night to bigger homes, they were outgrowing their cell homes :)

So nice and sunny here today...but only in the 30's..wish it would warm up so I could give these babies some natural air and sun.