chinense MOA scotch bonnets

Jamison said:
There is only one true MoA color which is yellow.  There is a so called "Red MoA" but not a true SB in my opinion.  Wouldn't waste the time with the Red. 
True....the red is not true..and Jamison is one of the only one who I recall isolated the OG batch. ..I should have those seeds still jamison
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
True....the red is not true..and Jamison is one of the only one who I recall isolated the OG batch. ..I should have those seeds still jamison
How common is it to come across such seed? And what is the chance that seed being listed a yellow MOA is in fact really that?
CAPCOM said:
How common is it to come across such seed? And what is the chance that seed being listed a yellow MOA is in fact really that?
There were only a few people that Steve954 gave seeds to.  I was lucky enough to receive some.  My promise back to him was to isolate and distribute them throughout the community.  
If purchasing from a seed supplier online,  I honestly wouldn't think that they would be a true descendant of the batch Steve954 obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture in Jamaica. 
I still have original seeds that are germinating right now that came from the Ministry of Agriculture in Jamaica via Steve954, and I am most definitely growing the rest of the OG batch for isolation purposes and to eat them of course.  I honestly don't have any seeds left from the isolated first batch as I spread them out to everyone.  I have one overwintered plant from my isolated second gen seeds that pretty much produces 80% A grade pods. 
To answer your first question I'd say it's pretty rare unless someone has some stashed away from myself,  Steve,  or whoever else obtained OG seeds.
I do though have plenty of non isolated seeds that you are welcome to if you'd like.  I'd say they aren't cross pollinated if I had to put money on it.  They weren't 100% isolated but weren't in near distance by any means to any other pepper plants.  Let me know if you'd like some to try out.  But by the mid summer I will have 100% isolated seeds to distribute again.
Jamison said:
There were only a few people that Steve954 gave seeds to.  I was lucky enough to receive some.  My promise back to him was to isolate and distribute them throughout the community.  
If purchasing from a seed supplier online,  I honestly wouldn't think that they would be a true descendant of the batch Steve954 obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture in Jamaica. 
I still have original seeds that are germinating right now that came from the Ministry of Agriculture in Jamaica via Steve954, and I am most definitely growing the rest of the OG batch for isolation purposes and to eat them of course.  I honestly don't have any seeds left from the isolated first batch as I spread them out to everyone.  I have one overwintered plant from my isolated second gen seeds that pretty much produces 80% A grade pods. 
To answer your first question I'd say it's pretty rare unless someone has some stashed away from myself,  Steve,  or whoever else obtained OG seeds.
I do though have plenty of non isolated seeds that you are welcome to if you'd like.  I'd say they aren't cross pollinated if I had to put money on it.  They weren't 100% isolated but weren't in near distance by any means to any other pepper plants.  Let me know if you'd like some to try out.  But by the mid summer I will have 100% isolated seeds to distribute again.
Thank you for your generous offer, I will pm you for specifics.
CAPCOM said:
How common is it to come across such seed? And what is the chance that seed being listed a yellow MOA is in fact really that?
Juanitos mentioned in his grow thread that CARDI is partnered with the Jamaican MOA and that the MOA lists CARDI as a source for seeds.  So it seems that the CARDI seeds could be an equivalent to the original Steve954 seeds.  If not an equivalent descendant, I would consider the CARDI seeds just as authentic considering the source.
Jutty said:
What is the main difference between the MoA and a regular yellow scotch bonnet?
I think the main difference is the organization controlling the genetics of the strain.  MOA seeds originated from or are the seeds obtained from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture by Steve954 and distributed by Jamison.  I would imagine the Jamaican MOA selects the peppers to propagate based on characteristics that they feel are native to the strain, pod shape, color, etc.  As people in the states continue to propagate and resell these seeds, we may drift from the source strain.  
If you buy a general scotch bonnet seed, you may not get as consistent characteristics since there is no organization controlling the genetics.
Someone correct me if I am wrong. 
The recently imported seeds by Juanitos are controlled by CARDI, the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute.  To be consistent with the MOA naming scheme of including the source in the strain name, should we be calling these CARDI Scotch Bonnets?  I'm exited about these seeds because they are obtainable given the proper permits and wait times.  This could help prevent any strain drift that we may see with people propagating the MOA seeds.
Jutty said:
What is the main difference between the MoA and a regular yellow scotch bonnet?
Main issue is a lot.of Jamaican mushrooms peppers are being sold as scotch bonnet.. they are annuums rather than the true chinense species...and yes. Unless you're growing only the MoA or like ghostpepperfarms.. grows one variety.. you're gonna have chances of crossing.. take the ones from steve954... I believe most that got the first batch he sent out grew true.. unfortunately. .. most did not grow it alone..causing likelihood of a cross.. from that first batch harvest of seeds. He sent them to me to help get them out...and so I did.. some of mine grew folds.. like a 7 pot... some had stingers /tails.. again great to see Jamison kept seeds from an original batch...and he also toOK the plant from his first batch far far away and only grew that... from those I have seeds somewhere ;)

Also there is another member here who says he also aquired some from MoA..and I'm labeling it JMoA just to differentiate. ..not growing any MoA this year.. just the for.the cardi.. only.time will tell how true they grow... but we can only assume that they are as legit as the ones Steve got...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Mine looked ok :)
Hahaha  their so yellow, shiny and uniform,  they look like wax fruit for a display lol
dan5505 said:
I think the main difference is the organization controlling the genetics of the strain.  MOA seeds originated from or are the seeds obtained from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture by Steve954 and distributed by Jamison.  I would imagine the Jamaican MOA selects the peppers to propagate based on characteristics that they feel are native to the strain, pod shape, color, etc.  As people in the states continue to propagate and resell these seeds, we may drift from the source strain.  
If you buy a general scotch bonnet seed, you may not get as consistent characteristics since there is no organization controlling the genetics.
Someone correct me if I am wrong. 
The recently imported seeds by Juanitos are controlled by CARDI, the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute.  To be consistent with the MOA naming scheme of including the source in the strain name, should we be calling these CARDI Scotch Bonnets?  I'm exited about these seeds because they are obtainable given the proper permits and wait times.  This could help prevent any strain drift that we may see with people propagating the MOA seeds.
I'd say you are correct.  It would be nice to differentiate the two from MoA in Jamaica and CARDI to avoid any confusion.
CAPCOM said:
correction. cant pm, inbox full.
Deleted all my messages so there is now room.
Well, as time goes on I will be growing more of these. I grew a red one last year that was really great and is the reason why I am pursuing more varieties. Eventually I will acquire the moa, tfm and what ever the other varieties that are out there and make my own assertion. It is really all anyone can do.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I am scaling down on most supers this year and growing much more on the Thai, and Bonnet front for damn sure!
really? I am actually scaling up on the super hots this year % wise.
CAPCOM said:
really? I am actually scaling up on the super hots this year % wise.
Yeah, Thai is the best all around for me for cooking and everything else. I'll stick to core supers but many of the ones I do not sell will be gone to make more room for things I love to eat. 