mold in potting mix

I wanted to test some germination rates of my potting mix, vs. compost so I sowed some seeds in a couple of egg cartons and placed them in a cardboard box in my garage.  After only two days I noticed a lot of mold in the potting soil mix carton (none in the compost one).
The mix contains peat moss, compost, perlite, bone meal, and lime.  The compost and perlite were just bought this week but the peat moss has been sitting open my garage for about a month.  I've had the bone meal and lime for several months now.
I noticed a little of this mold in the leftover soil remaining in the bucket that I used to repot some plants earlier this week. Can anyone give some insight as to what may be going on here?  I'm worried that this huge bag of peat moss has gone bad.  
Maybe it was too humid in the box in the garage.  I thought this egg carton was in need of more water after these two days but the entire thing was still moist.

Errr... i had some soil that was looking the same. I panicked and tossed them thinking they were no longer viable. =(
That is part of the living soil I preach so much. Love it! ;)

millworkman said:
Nothing has gone bad.  There are microbes at work consuming the bonemeal and compost and other bits that they can digest.  This will turn out great for your plants.  Once they sprout, get a fan on them asap though.
Well said Noah. :cool: