SmokenFire said:
Profiting from terminator genes might be 'good' in a capitalistic sense but it is not 'good' for our environment.
GMO's affect on our genetic diversity vs traditional hybrid cultivars has not been extensively proven, but I ask you megamind genius qq - do you think the addition of insect/animal DNA to our plant hybrids is a good idea?
I'd ask further why you think companies who's work on hybridization and plant genomes would be actively funding lobbyists who are advocating AGAINST mandatory labeling of GMO crops?
Surely you the independent thinker would rather have the information spelled out on each label so as to make your own choices?
no terminator genes were ever publicly available to any farmer. i dont think they were even field trialed. the terminator genes thing was monsanto picking up on a schools study and trying to develop it further, but it went nowhere.
lots of plants produce sterile seeds... this is nothing new, and the terminator gene was supposed to be an extension of that, but again, never left a lab bench so they never ever "profited" from it.
GMO trait corn varieties are exactly the same as most any traditional hybrid corn cultivar EXCEPT for the traits inserted into the corns genomes. in the case of BT cotton and corn these traits encode for the production of the very same protienes that organic farmers spray by the ton only in the form of a bacterial endospore.
this trait is form a bacteria, not an insect or animal... viruses transfer genetic matierial from bacteria to plants all the time, and its completely random... not targeted traites studied for years and years.
lobbyist dont want foods manditorily labeled as GMO because they would sell less, alot less. why? because the anti GMO side has lied and lied and lied for years regarding GMO traits and plants... at the VERY LEAST they have managed to instill a controversy, and most people without the knowledge would rather avoid the controversy all together.
as an "independent"(id say rational...) thinker, NO i would absolutly not want that shit labeled... labels are for ACTUAL SHIT... allergens, nutritional content etc... NOT IDEOLOGICAL BULLSHIT.
to date, all federally mandated labeling is enforced as a means to ensure consumer protection... all the way down to "may contain penuts", for the folks ultra sensitive to penut protienes.
so now you want to add a label for food produced from plants containing GMO traits? a process that has been shown to be 100% safe for around 3 decades now? what do you think that tells the consumer?
"hmmm... everything else on this label is for my what is this about GMO's?"... lol its all just so moronic.
haha... a GMO trait isnt even an ingrediant like, "red dye no.54" or what ever the fuck... most of the food stuffs are processed to such an extent, that you are not actually eating any of the plants GMO protienes anyway... all that corn syrup? that shit is extracted chemically with solvent and steam, then concentrated in a vacuum. do why does a can of coke need a manditory GMO label?