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"Monsanto May Seek to Revive 'Terminator' Technology "

"Agri-giant Monsanto is headed to the Supreme Court this week for a battle against 75-year-old Indian farmer Vernon Hugh Bowman. If Bowman wins, it could be hailed as a massive win for the little guy, and it would make it harder for companies like Monsanto to enforce patents, but the case could have broader implications. If Monsanto loses the case, the company may opt to resurrect technology that would allow it to sterilize seeds, preventing them from being able to produce offspring. Dubbed ‘terminator’ technology, the result is a seed that can produce a crop of food but cannot reproduce, effectively self-destructing after a single use, and it could spell disaster for farmers."

Read more: Monsanto May Consider Reviving 'Terminator' Technology as the Result of Looming Court Case | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building http://inhabitat.com/monsanto-may-seek-to-revive-terminator-technology/
They could potentially "accidentally" cross pollinate a different strain and make it also unable to germinate.. if they attempt this and it backfires then they will be in a world of hurt.
Monsanto has caused a lot of harm with their "safe GMO seeds" and have sued various farmers for patent infringements because pollen from their GMO plants crossed with other farmers crops, some organic farmers have had to destroy their organic crops because of cross pollination with Round Up Ready and BT crops that were planted near by. Monsanto has been doing various GMO work with Tomatoes, Peppers,Sweet Corn and other food crops, India has suffered the most from GMO crops as they were lied to about many heath problems caused by GMO food crops along with Monsanto's cotton which failed in production causing many farmers to kill themselves because they lost every thing and owed the Banks so much money because of crop failure.
Several Farmers in Canada have been sued because of cross pollination of the other farmers crops.
I think that it is Time we Tell Monsanto "No Thank You" to their "safe GMO food crops and Animal Round Up Ready and BT crops".
Just my Two Cents.
Nothing good can be said about either Round up Ready or BT crops. I am all about selective breeding and crossing species to get the desired traits but there is nothing natural about GMO crops. I could rant for a good long while on this topic but I am going to restrain myself.
I think that it is Time we Tell Monsanto "No Thank You" to their "safe GMO food crops and Animal Round Up Ready and BT crops".
Nothing good can be said about either Round up Ready or BT crops. I am all about selective breeding and crossing species to get the desired traits but there is nothing natural about GMO crops. I could rant for a good long while on this topic but I am going to restrain myself.

Here Here! Break the agri-business monopoly on our food production cycle and take back the land for the people!
The trouble with GMO's is that unknown to the consumers is that many canned and frozen foods have GMO's in them as there is yet any mandatory labeling that would state if the goods contained GMO products, also there is little info if any that would tell you if meat animals had been feed BT or Round Up Ready crops such as Corn, Soy Beans,Cotton Seed Meal and other animal feed products.
what about insect pressure? last i checked none of those besides a greenhouse will stop pests from destroying crops. good luck covering the farm belt with greenhouses btw.

or you could grow plants that produce their own pesticide and spray far less.
what about insect pressure? last i checked none of those besides a greenhouse will stop pests from destroying crops. good luck covering the farm belt with greenhouses btw.

or you could grow plants that produce their own pesticide and spray far less.

Insect pressure is the preferable option to me. Companion planting and allowing habitat for beneficial insects help too. Think about what it is you just said - 'plants that produce their own pesticide' - the need to spray less aside, how can fruit from those plants be healthy for people to consume? Would you feed the people you love from those fields?
what about insect pressure? last i checked none of those besides a greenhouse will stop pests from destroying crops. good luck covering the farm belt with greenhouses btw.

or you could grow plants that produce their own pesticide and spray far less.
Plastic keeps bugs out with proper screens over your vent and a second door (room on the front) you can walk in shut the door behind you wash your hands put on boots if you want and then enter the greenhouse. You can plant things around your greenhouse to keep bugs away and if they do make it inside you can release beneficial insects and use beneficial bacteria or organic pest controls even if you use non organic pest controls you still won't need GMO seeds.
Insect pressure is the preferable option to me. Companion planting and allowing habitat for beneficial insects help too. Think about what it is you just said - 'plants that produce their own pesticide' - the need to spray less aside, how can fruit from those plants be healthy for people to consume? Would you feed the people you love from those fields?

BT is the same things many organic folks seem to have zero problems spraying. are you saying that BT is unsafe? because theres mountains of evidence suggesting otherwise.
i feed loved ones stuff i grow with multiple pesticides applied. i do not allow pseudoscience hysteria to guide my judgment

Humans have successfuly grown crops for thousands of years, and never before were the crops modified with unrelated dna.

people have been breeding plants for as long as agriculture has existed. this in of itself is genetic engineering. thousands of genes are swapped when two plants are breed.

are you suggesting that covering farmland with a bug screen is a viable alternative to pesticides/gmo? this is insane.

everything suggested by the organic Luddites will detrementally effect the productivity of farmlands. food is a global commodity, if americans or Chileans or w/e can produce cheap soy or corn or wheat, the effect is profoundly helpful towards poverty stricken individuals.
Wrong!! That is called natural selection, hybridization, or selective breeding.....Genetic engineering is artificially manipulating dna.

There is a HUGE difference between selective breeding of plants, and, for example, inserting bacteria dna into corn.