more leaf curling......not cool

ive had to deal with this about three times already since december in growing this years plants. its a bit different this time though. first though, what is now my best looking and healthiest plants, lemon yellow hab and chocolate hab

and the curling....its only on the c. chinense varieties that this is happening. c annuums have some curling that i think is viral, but it hasnt affected the chinense and the new growth on the annuums seems to be overcoming the curling

notice how theyre curling inward....the annuums just had a bunch of curling into all sorts of contorted directions. curling on the chinense seems to be more uniform. im think its a nutrient deficiency but wanted to see what you all think about it? thanks....

Looks like a calcium deficiency. I had a lot of that on my habs last year and had to add supplements. This year I've mixed in some worm castings with the soil hand haven't had a problem since.
where can i get ahold of worm castings? any other things out there to supplement calcium that might be a little more accessible? thanks for the help
Any garden supply or nursery will sell earthworm castings. They aren't that useful as a general fertilizer, but they do add lots of nice organic material to the soil. I use them extensively in my soil mixes along with some bat guano and bone meal to up the nitrogen and phosphorus levels respectively.
dolomitic lime should be available at your local garden center. I've read that some people have dissolved a few Tums and watered it in as well. I've never tried it so I can't comment on how good it works. I would assume that you'd want to get the flavorless ones.
Try bone meal or dolomitic limestone. Good bone meal is also a source of nitrogen and phosphorus. I sprinkle about 1-2 tablespoons around the base of the plants several times over the growing season.
Take some egg shells (dried) and put them in a coffee grinder (2 blade type). Work that into the soil as a top dressing.
thanks for all the replies and help. ill be moving them into 5 gallon pots next weekend. ill pick up as many of these additives as i can and mix them in.
Don't mix too much of it in. Calcium supplements from sources like dolomitic lime will cause your soil to become very alkaline and throw it out of balance. Than you'll a new problem. The worm castings I'm using is mixed at a rate of 70% soil to 30% casting.