More Media than Supportable Error

Hey Boss (or anyone who may have ran into this issue), since the update I have had trouble uploading posts that may contain more media (pics or vid) than one post will support. I.E. I post something that has 7 photos in it. The error message pops up and I delete the last two and post. Then I start a new post and click reply and it adds it to the previous posts, not a new one. The problem is it still won't support the extra media and just provides the link.

Prior to the update, once you hit reply you start a new post, not add to the last one. Is there a fix to this?

I PMed the bossman about this issue as well..

His response was...

"Back to back posts are not allowed, your reply will be merged with your original, and 10 posts max per post.

Too many pics slows browser load times."

I didn't notice any problem with more pics n media before but hey, I'm not the boss lol..
There is a 10 pic limit per post.. There is also a back-to-back post merge, so if the reply has pics, they will be merged with the original post, and if the combined number is over 10, yes, they will appear as links.