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More weird crap from bunnings

Purchased these so called orange habaneros. They have fruited and produced these weird long tongue shaped chillie pods that where pale in colour with no heat and tasted like cardboard.

Total waste of a plant. No flavor, no heat. A pointless specimen!

Anyone else had weird chilli plants from bunnings? It's the second time for me, maybe I'm just unlucky.
Here is the little wierdo

Wow that does look a little weird.
What "brand" was the Hab.

I've got a Floriana Orange Hab from Bunnings and I speak often to another forum member who has one also.
The pods from both our plants look similar to each others, but nothing like yours do.
Did you wait till it was Orange to eat or did you eat it yellow?

I haven't eaten mine yet. I plan on making burritos soon though so I'll probably made a salsa and add it to that.
I'll keep a little to taste on it's own also.
looks like a weird habanero to me, colour, shape, little long though, smooth skin, I think its a cross-bred habanero.
That's just me...
This is the problem in buying from places with no real knowledge of what they are selling. I had a similar experience with a bunch of plants bought at K-Mart. Plants were cheap, so it isn't a real loss, but of the 6 plants;

- none were accurately marked as to what they were (all sourced from a local major nursery who renamed them to their own 'registered name')
- half had incorrect tags (guessing they fell out at some point, and were randomly stuck back in).

Upside, I got 6 plants for $12, two of which were white hab bullets.
Downside? I have no real idea what the rest are.

In the end, you can't really tell if what you are getting from chains like that ARE what they claim, but it can be fun finding out. I'll probably still buy from places like Bunnings and K-mart due to price, plus I don't mind getting mild salad chillies.
Wow that does look a little weird.
What "brand" was the Hab.

I've got a Floriana Orange Hab from Bunnings and I speak often to another forum member who has one also.
The pods from both our plants look similar to each others, but nothing like yours do.
Did you wait till it was Orange to eat or did you eat it yellow?

I haven't eaten mine yet. I plan on making burritos soon though so I'll probably made a salsa and add it to that.
I'll keep a little to taste on it's own also.
It turned a strange light peach color. Some others stayed that color till they fell off. Tasted like wet cardboard. The brand is United Nurseries. The photo on the tag shoes the typical orange hab.
The one I have is a Floriana Habanero. I think the other forum member also had an issue with a United Nurseries plant not being true to label as well. I'll check through my convo to confirm.
Ahhh yep He called it his "United Nurseries not Habanero Yellow", lol So I guess that means it wasn't as expected also.
Its looks Hab like - let it ripen a bit more (Red, Orange whatever) and see if it gets better
Already taken 4 off, only turned a peachy pale color. They are all shaped the same as well. They don't go red or orange, just drop off and rot the same light peach color.
I have a couple of plants that were not as described on the tags.

it's a peach hab. i've seen peach habs looking like that.

I'm gonna have to say the same thing, its a peach hab. I grew them years ago & had that type of shape plus like the name says peach color.

My 2c is on the plant being the result of hybridisation that produced a lighter Peach shade pod.

Surely the Peach Habanero should pack heat?
Last year I rescued a couple of plants from a grocery store that was letting them die in the corner. It was labeled "Jalapeno" and turned out to be Apache. Not even close to the same kind of chile. I did enjoy the Apaches alot, but it was a little embarrassing when I made a comment on this site that my rescued jalapeno plants had hundreds of flowers on each plant when I bought them. It made more sense when I got pods and identified it as Apache. We just have to roll the dice and sometimes the surprises are nice.