I don't care which one is hottest... I never met a hot pepper I didn't like 

Guiness vs the real truth...
in the real world, it's kinda like whoever grows the hottest pepper in the world makes the most money off of those that don't know what the hell they are buying...
in the real world, it's kinda like whoever grows the hottest pepper in the world makes the most money off of those that don't know what the hell they are buying...
It is important to recognize that this photo is not of a peer reviewed publication but instead a conference poster.
LOL. Well, since pure cap. is only 16 million, maybe not. Unless the dragon fire converts capsaicin to resiniferatoxin....they'll bring out the Dragons from Game of Thrones. They'll break 'em out to heat up the seeds and by next year, it'll then be a billion. In 5 years, should be 10 billion and then all of us will be buggered, cos it'll mutate through DNA manipulation of Mokeysando, and will eat us.
There is actually an American Spice Trade Association that has official analytical methods. Does anyone have access to this? It would be interesting to see just how specific ASTA Method 21.3 is.
I got nothing useful to add but i do have a question. One that relates to other chilli varieties as well. So the TSMB is a scorpion variety right? Coming from some landrace Scorpion strain? And people here have said it is the same as a brain strain. But isnt the brain strain a 7 pot? And isnt the 7 pot a different landrace strain? Im just wondering. trying to peice it all together just for the sake of my clarity.