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movies Movie Remakes - whatdya got?

Yeah it looks like he focused on "Lords of Salem". The trailer doesn't look great but of course I will have to see it.
There are rumors about a re-make of The Exorcist. Including a made for TV series ... There is no possible way to make that any better. By far the scariest movie I seen as a youngun' and there hasn't been anything yet that tops it IMO.
I LOVED Evil Dead and pretty much everything Bruce Campbell has ever done. My favorite might be Bubba Ho Tep, an extremely underrated movie - it tried to be a campy horror movie and ended up being an accidentally touching tale of an aging Elvis Prestley dealing with dying, losing everything and recapturing his dignity - highly recommended. Briliant performance by Campbell - probably the best Elvis anyone has ever done on film...but I digress...

I read a recent interview with Campbell on the new Evil Dead - it sounds terrific. I'm really glad he was involved. I'll 100% definitely see that.

I didn't see the remake of the Thing, but thank you for the reminder - I'll have to rent it sometime. The original scared the living crap outta me as a kid. Even with low budget special effects, John Carpenter has a way of frightening you with minimalism and plot.
Sorry on a Bruce Campbell kick now. Anyone seen "my name is Bruce"? Bruce Campbell plays none other than Bruce Campbell. He is mistaken by his biggest fan as his hero from the evil dead films and put into a situation where he must live the hero role to save a small town from a very real threat. My synopsis completely sucks but if you like Bruce Campbell check it out.

bubba ho tep,,i remember that. had elvis in it right?

Yep - Bruce Campell in the role of his life. Best on-screen representation of Elvis ever.

He somehow rescued a campy over the top cheesy b-rated horror film and turned it into a touching tale of aging and regret. It's one of my favorite movies of all time.