Moyboy's first good harvest 15/02/09

Txclosetgrower said:
Nice harvest there moyboy, you guys are killing me over here its still like 2 weeks til plant out :(

Don't feel bad. I have to wait another 3 months until plant out.
I forgot to mention that I also have hundreds of green Tepin chillis on a plant as well, along with Aji Rojo and Aji Yellow which are both taking forever to ripen...

Is anyone eles growing the Aji Rojo? what is it like?

Tomatoes flopped this year as They didn't like where they were put and didn't like the soil I got....:(, so no pic of them.. I just have one or 2 cheery types to keep the kids happy and that's it...Will hopefully have a good collection happening next season.
I grew a version of Aji rojo last season. The pods had a cool shape, and a medium burn when fresh, but after dehydrating there was little heat left

Here's a pic from 2008
I grew a version of Aji rojo last season. The pods had a cool shape, and a medium burn when fresh, but after dehydrating there was little heat left

Here's a pic from 2008

Thanks Potawie. Mine aren't as wrinkled as yours but very close....The damn things just won't ripen....:banghead:

tony05 said:
The dorset looks awsome! :)

Edit: Save me half a dozen of the Hot lemons!


I will....I was very impressed with this chilli. It has more heat than I was expecting which lingered longer than I thought it would also.....and great taste...
MB - thats a great harvest & congrats!

imaguitargod said:
Substantial little harvest you have there. Nice work.

well its bigger than your harvest right now :P BTW you dont really show your chile harvests.

bigt said:
Well done on the labeling and comments! I hate guessing when I see the group pics. :)


moyboy said:
Mate, I would say yes. They are milder in flavour to the regular cayenne and not as hot. But in saying that, I truely love them, as they have a small hint of almost sweet/citrus, and the kids love them. I put them in most things I cook for them....and I will be drying the rest for sure.

I've thought about ordering some yellow cayennes before cuz they sounded so tasty, but never heard any opinions of them from those that grew them.
maybe next year I'll try them.

moyboy said:
I don't mind the ornimentals for the colour but in practical terms, they are a waste of space IMO. They don't taste that good so I wouldn't use them fresh or in cooking or for sauce making....and I would rather have nice pretty flowers out the front of the house instead of these chillis if I want good colour

I agree waste of space & time if they're not worth eating.
I'm sure theres plenty of ornamental chiles that have alright flavor that I dont know of, but I know the ornamental aji omnicolor chile does have a good flavor, not as pretty as the other ornamentals but the flavor is good.

moyboy said:
Oh but I am panicing.....I had no idea the Hungarian hot wax was so prolific

yes wax chiles are very prolific! one of the easiest chiles to grow around here to a point you'll get sick of them.
you should let them ripen where they have some red on them, not full red but they do start getting some red on them. it takes too long for them to be fully red (at least here)
imaguitargod said:
I know I don't post harvest pics, but that's because they usually are eaten right on the spot. :lol:

I'm gonna have to say BS, cuz you cant eat every chile pod fresh in the garden, you do save some pods for meals later. so why no pics ?

& whats up with that, no pictures of meals except your pizza, do you even make homemade hot sauce, if so why no pics ?
chilehunter said:
I'm gonna have to say BS, cuz you cant eat every chile pod fresh in the garden, you do save some pods for meals later. so why no pics ?

& whats up with that, no pictures of meals except your pizza, do you even make homemade hot sauce, if so why no pics ?

Fine fine fine, you got me. I'm not actually a chili-head nor do I grow peppers. I'm actually a 7 year old Asian Girl who is posting from Antartica.

Well, somethings I just don't take pics of. I have posted some harvest pics from time to time, some massive, some small. I just don't post pics of my harvests b/c everyday during the growing season I harvest and that would just get to be a pain.

Here's a pic of one of this year's major harvests:

Here's a Piquin harvest from two years ago:

Same with this one.

There? Happy? God you people are needy :lol:
Hey.....You stole my chilli pepper thread......:snooty::stop:

I know, I know.......You were pushed into a corner and had to pull the Ace out from under your sleeve...:lol:
Nice harvest there Moyboy. I'm sure it is just a sign of the good things to come. It's so nice to see a preview of what awaits those of us on the other side of the earth in 6 months.
Looks awesome, good work. Im surprised you didnt like the flavour of the black pearl, after trying it, I have orders for around 10 plants on flavour and heat alone, and the same again just for the looks.
moyboy said:
Hey.....You stole my chilli pepper thread......:snooty::stop:

I know, I know.......You were pushed into a corner and had to pull the Ace out from under your sleeve...:lol:

Well, that and it wanted to be stolen. It tolkd me so.
McGoo said:
Looks awesome, good work. Im surprised you didnt like the flavour of the black pearl, after trying it, I have orders for around 10 plants on flavour and heat alone, and the same again just for the looks.
I'm the same way, didn't like th taste of the Black Pearl.
imaguitargod said:
Fine fine fine, you got me. I'm not actually a chili-head nor do I grow peppers

I didnt mean it like that! just when you made the joking remark about little harvest, I made a joking comment about his harvest is more than your harvests right now since you dont have any.

moyboy said:
Hey.....You stole my chilli pepper thread......:snooty::stop:

dont worry, it happens to most threads on this forum, just be glad we kept with the chile theme ;):lol:
chilehunter said:
I didnt mean it like that! just when you made the joking remark about little harvest, I made a joking comment about his harvest is more than your harvests right now since you dont have any.
I know, and that was my joking response to your joking response ;)

Actually, I'm getting one or two pods here and there.