Moyboy's Harvest 19/04/09

I harvested these last Sunday, and I will be freezing a few and drying the rest.... Sorry for the crappy numbering, looked ok when smaller....


1. Jalapeno (green ones are getting pickled tonight)
2. Golden Cayenne (not many cause I use them in every meal)
3. Fatalii
4. Bhut (Not many cause I planted late and all plants have been ignored due to personal Sh*t in my life)
5. Orange habs (not many cause I wasn't picking them as I have still got 2 full plastic shopping bags full of them and have sort of lost interest in them)
6. Hungarian Hot Wax (Again not many as I was using these straight off the tree)
7. Purple Cayenne
8. Hot Lemon
9. Goats Weed
10. Siam (planning on using these in a sweet chilli sauce with a few hot lemons for flavour)
11. Naga Morich
12. White Bullet Habs
13. Orange sweet pepper (capsicum)

I had heap of different capsicums but while my plants were at my parents place, The possums got to them....

I also had kilos of ornamental chillis but I got rid of those plants as they provided no practical use....and I couldn't be bothered picking off hundreds of tiny chillis that I was never going to use just for the sake of a picture.

Also had masses of Aji rojo and Aji yellow but didn't like either plant or chilli so I got rid of them.....

This is a pic of my biggest fatalii

and my biggest Bhut. It's a bit rotten at the end, cause as I said above, The plants haven't been looked after for a while...

Here is another angle.

I also still have a few 7 pots ripening on 2 trees and a heap of devil tounges.....
I'm planning on making an all white sauce (or close to it) with the white bullet habs and white tomatoes next season......
Looking good moyboy.

As a penalty for not taking better care of your Bhuts you've got to sit down and eat one. That'll learn ya to take better care.:P

Nice harvest.
Looks very nice, lots of variety too.
Those Fatalii's look absolutely scrummy, as do the Bhuts. Heck they all look great (apart from the rotten bit, doesn't that sh*t ya!)

I fear that it will not be long until our season ends and i still have HEAPS of pods growing.

NIce harvest ! I have just found a MOLBERRY tree & a PEPPER tree in the yard , and it has a HEAP of fruit ! So if you want some for sauce making ! !
chilliman said:
NIce harvest ! I have just found a MOLBERRY tree & a PEPPER tree in the yard , and it has a HEAP of fruit ! So if you want some for sauce making ! !


A sweet Mulberry and plum chilli sauce.....oh god that would be oh so good. Great on pork chops....

Oh mulberrys............. i love them. I remember climbing the tree at my grandfathers place as a kid and turning myself purple eating them.

Ohhh i have to get my hands on some now.......... you have me thinking!

The question is where?

The Hot lemons are fantastic.... and the white bullet habs, real little creepers!

I still want to try one of those rats turds as well.

I dont see any Tepins? Oh they are the size of match heads hey :)

Pickle the Red jals too i say.

thanks Tony....

hey Moy...those peppers look very appetizing...wish I had some right now...