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Mutant: 7 foot tall Aji Limon with 200+ pods

The 200+ pod count is kind of an estimate. I lost track at about 140 and still had a long way to go.
Between the Mariachi on the left (conical beige pods), and the Hot Finger on the right (red cayenne-type pods), that is all ONE plant - all the foliage in the foreground [including in front of and even past the Mariachi], and all the branches reaching nearly to the deck above.

(also that is a 6" tall Biker Billy in the far right - no idea what is going on here!!)

Mega, mega!

Once again, your name is apt to what you have brought! If I recall correctly, you once graced us with your mega pizza....?
That is quite a plant! I have been wondering just how large some pepper plants can get, I had a C. praetermissum that reached over 8ft by the end of the second year. I wonder just how big a Bhut Jolokia might get if I over wintered it for a couple years and just did a minimal trimming on it. Any way I bet your peppers are quite tasty, I know that the C. baccatums make pretty good chile powder.
George W.
Hi...I'd be delighted to send a few seeds of this monstrous mutant plant to anyone who wants to PM/email me for the address and send an SASE. The pods only have a few seeds each, so I'd be sending probably 3-4 seeds per person. It will take a few more weeks to get fully-ripe pods to ensure that the seeds are maximally viable. There's clearly something unusual going on with this plant, and I would enjoy helping others to partake in the bounty!

As far as what I fed it - I'm really a minimalist. The bed consists mostly of leaf compost, vermiculite, and perlite, with a few bags of generic Home Depot soil thrown in to reduce costs. I gave each plant an extra-large scoop of Espoma TomatoTone at transplant, mixed in to the surrounding soil. Then I alternated on a tri-weekly basis between TomatoTone and 1.25x strength Neptune's Fish & Seaweed, which produces amazing results for me; I just love that stuff. The plants like it so much that I am not bashful about applying it; I give them more than the recommended daily allowance. Otherwise, I pretty much left the plants alone to fend for themselves; I figure I cannot really improve on what nature spent 4.5 billion years perfecting.
looks like someones spiking the soil with tons of miracle grow haha. I have an aji that was stunted for months bc I was to lazy to repot.. then decided it should just go in the ground (a few weeks ago) .. its probably 4 feet now.. its crazy how big they get! It wants to be a tree!!
