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Wow, that is cool. They're exhibiting external proliferation. I'd imagine they are similar to the parenthocarpic bodies that develop inside a lot of C. annuum and C. pubescens cultivars. Do they develop on every pod? Are they hot? Try emailing the USDA Agricultural research service. If anyone seen this before it would be someone working there.
This plant is a C. frutescens called "prik kee noo suan" that I have sitting in my office window. It is spawning multiple fruit bodies around the base of each pepper. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this before?


That is interesting, i have the prik kee noo hom that i bought from simply-thai site (imports seeds from thailand). Its a tiny thai birds pepper. Here is what mine looks like:


I believe i tried prik kee noo suan last year too, did not see that mutation. I chose the Hom variant as its really hot and produces like crazy :D
Yes, this is happening to some degree on every pod. I have 12 more of these plants in my garden at home and none of them even look like this plant. They are all short and bushy where this plant is tall. The small bodies are fairly hot and have the normal "green taste" of an unripe. I am eager to see if the external bodies ripen as normal or if they fall off. I will take more pictures tomorrow because each pod has a different variation of this mutation and are really interesting. The pods are definitely bigger than the plant the seeds were taken from, however the plant was fairly isolated so I do not think it is a product of a cross-pollination.
Cool looking pods, never seen anything like it before. Where did you get the seeds?

I got these seeds from a gentleman who brought them back from Thailand about 10 years ago. It is really hard to say what has happened to the genetics over the 10 seasons he has been growing them but he claimed he had always kept seeds from isolated plants. I will definitely be keeping seeds from this plant since it is completely isolated and hand pollinated.
Here are some more pictures of what is going on.

This one shows what I think might actually be a parenthocarpic body that has outgrown the host pod, splitting it and causing this flower petal like growth.


This is what the other 12 of these plants look like. I understand there are many differences in environment between my garden and my office.


Here is a full picture of the plant producing the mutations.

IT'S ARMAGEDDON!!! Cats, dogs living in harmony! MASS HYSTERIA!!!

Well, maybe not but look at it this way, you just quadrupled your pepper yield right???