My 2 year old Bhut Jolokia

Just wanted to post a couple pics of my pepper plant. Still practicing for when I start my grow log.

Got the bucket there for size reference, squash vine growing on the shed in background kinda hides the greenery

Another angle. Can see where I trimmed some of the branches off. It was growing over my dirt pile so I needed to trim back some. It's a little over 6 feet tall. Sorry for bad lighting, need a better camera.
Big plant you got there hawaainero,i like it.He long did it take to get that tall?
Big plant you got there hawaainero,i like it.He long did it take to get that tall?
mpicante said:
Big plant you got there hawaainero,i like it.He long did it take to get that tall?
Big plant you got there hawaainero,i like it.He long did it take to get that tall?
Since the thread title says 2 year old Bhut plant --I'd assume it got that tall in about 2 years ! :dance: :cheers: :dance:
Actually i believe it has been trimmed back i was referring to time it took to get the size it is in the pic.
mpicante said:
Actually i believe it has been trimmed back i was referring to time it took to get the size it is in the pic.
Ahh -- If you look closely at the plant you can see the first years growth is brown where this years growth is still green so you can kind of see where it was trimmed back to and what growth is from this year. I have grape vines that do the same each years growth stays green until the end of the season and then turns brownish then the next year's growth comes out gren again till the end of that year.
I have to believe what you say because ive never grown grapes i usually buy them from our local grocers or my husband buys them at farmers markets.I was merely inquiring about that particular plants growth so i can ready myself and be prepared for next seasons growth thats all.Now i must get ready for tomorrows DODGER game playoff time you know.......
This is the tallest its been but I have trimmed it back to almost nothing twice already. Almost trimmed it down to nubs again but I'm running low on pods so I wanted to let some grow out still.
The pods are not as big this year. Averaging 2 inches long versus almost 4 inches long this time last year. I think it's near time to start more seeds.
Do you use organic fertilizer to try and keep up the nutrients in the soil it's planted in? Cause as long as it's getting the nutrients it needs would you get more and better yields the a new plant starting out? I seen this post from a guy that kept a fatalie plant for 7 years and he kept bring it inside for the winter then planting it back out in a big 20 gal grow bag and that thing would put out mass pods.
1968dart said:
Do you use organic fertilizer to try and keep up the nutrients in the soil it's planted in? Cause as long as it's getting the nutrients it needs would you get more and better yields the a new plant starting out? I seen this post from a guy that kept a fatalie plant for 7 years and he kept bring it inside for the winter then planting it back out in a big 20 gal grow bag and that thing would put out mass pods.
Hmmm 7 year fatalii? So I have a chance to keep this going for awhile. I have been throwing down bioflora organic crumbles every 3 months and every 6 months I spread gaviota 16-16-16 around the entire property so it gets some of that too. Maybe I need to aerate the roots a little and drop some compost down inside. Huh, now you got me thinking. Thanks for that post :P