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My Baby Nagas Are Under A Black Cloud:(

They all survived being pulled out of the soil by my cat...they have made it through our recent 3 nights of 40-50 degree nights. And now...today...I come home from work and they are all wilted and the first rue leaves are all crispy dry!
All my pepper babies! I left them wet...they are in peat pots and soil less growing mix..and I watered them throughly before I left.

I came home at 2pm and they were ALL dried out! The first true leaves on nearly all of my babies are crispy dry. I watered them and they popped back up..but I dont know if I just lost me entire crop or if the plants will put of new leaves in a few days? Anyone have any idea?

i just planted another 'crop' of assorted peppers that I got in trades..and still waiting for some to arrive. Luckily I bought so many from Peppermainia. BUT is this the death nell for my baby Nagas and all the others? OR can they sprout new leaves from a crispy center? I dont want to beat a dead horse, and waste my time, if they are dead.
So..has anyone have something like this happen to them,...and I will be ok,...maybe? Or I am out of luck and it is time to throw them out? So many Naga Jolokias, Naga Morrichs, yellow mushrooms,and 2 orange manzanos. I cant beleive they dried out so fast..it wasnt so hot or sunny today. And I water them daily when I get home. But these were limp and the first true leaves are dry and some are crispy. any hope?:?:
lol, don't worry... they're ok. you have no idea what some of my plants survived. not just chiles.
Patience, grasshopper.