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My Bhut is bhudding

I ordered some Bhut seed from NMSU late, and was able to get 2 out of 15 to grow. Well when I was out checking the plants a few hours ago I found that the larger Bhut is budding. I'll post some pictures when I can take them in the morning.

This is so exciting!!
I said I was going to add photos but then got distracted- me and shiney objects...


A little closer

I was concerned witht the number of buds from a single axil, but after having some experts look at the photos, we think it is 2 or 3 axils in proximity that give the appearance of a huge amount of buds from one axil.

I think the first bud will be opening tomorrow. This is very exciting- my first super, ultra, mega-hot pepper!
Hey Datil,

In my experience the NMSU strain is the hardest to grow. I grow the same strain and it took almost one year exactly to get my first ripe pod(glad we have such a long growing season). While the CCN strain took only about 3-4 months to give me a ripe pod.

I planted the NMSU last October(2009) and got my first ripe pod in October 2010. My plant looked like yours last March, and it dropped every flower until September. Maybe it was the hot summer, but none of my other varieties were effected. My CCN strain was planted in April, is twice as big(6ft), and has over 150 pods. The NMSU strain is about 3-4ft tall and now has about 50-75 pods.
Yeah, it has been a slow grower. The one in DWC is about 1/3 the size of this one. This one is in dirt. I have been foliar fertilizing all the peppers and toms weekly with fish and full strength hydro nutes (5lbs makes 1000 gallons so I have plenty).

I brought it in last night to isolate it from the Bad Datils that are still blooming and podding. I should just pull the Bad Datils up but they do make a fair pepper vinegar, and they are prolific. 2 of the buds have started to open.
Very nice looking plant you have. What is it that is bad about your Bad Datils?

Bad Datils are very badly hybridized Datil peppers. What makes the "situation" bad with the Bad Datils is that they were grown in a state grant program in St. Aug to promote the heirloom variety, and investigate financial possibilities with the peppers in fruit as well as products made from them. They sold some 10,000 plants and are continuing the seed line as THE Datil pepper. Which it is not.

So that is the tale of the Bad Datils.
nice looking plants - hope that they yield a lot of tasty pods for you. too bad that you have bad datils - i know that i did!
Bad Datils are very badly hybridized Datil peppers. What makes the "situation" bad with the Bad Datils is that they were grown in a state grant program in St. Aug to promote the heirloom variety, and investigate financial possibilities with the peppers in fruit as well as products made from them. They sold some 10,000 plants and are continuing the seed line as THE Datil pepper. Which it is not.

So that is the tale of the Bad Datils.

Wow - that is worse than bad, that's terrible! Talk about polluting the seed pool...it's a disgrace that it is a state program that is doing this.
The 2 blooms on the Bhut are halfway open. I put it in my southern facing workshop doors, and put an Ott-Lite over it for the night. It looks to be springing buds now. Very, very exciting!

On a side note of the Datils, 2 of the other 3 var.s have just put up the tiniest of bloom buds. So we may have some real Datils yet this year. The 3rd is probably a week behind.