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My Bhut Jolokia plant....or is it?

This is my first year growing hot peppers and I found this at a local nursery. Does this look like a true bhut jolokia?

I also noticed in the picture that the leaf on the bottom has curled edges. What would this be a sign of?

It's actually in the biggest pot I have. As you may have seen in my other thread, I'm searching for pots now :)
Pot size definitely looks big enough. Looking at them it seems like overwatering due to the yellowing on the lowest leaves.

That could be it. We've had a large amount of rain the last week. I actually posted about maybe getting to much rain a couple days ago. I'll just give it a few days and see how the plant looks.
Oh and thank you all for your input. I love this place. Everyone is so helpful and I'm a newbie and need it :)
Can't say if its a Bhut Julokia but it definitely has a mean aura about it.
By the look of the fruit I guess you'll have to wait about 30 to 60 days for it to mature and find out if its true.
Grab a beer and wait... :)

Lol yep he looks all wrinkled up like he's mad at the world already and wants to unleash his fiery wrath. Of course I could be wrong and he may just be a pepperoncini with stretch marks or something lol....time will tell.
:dance: When its ready, slice it up put it on your pizza, and im sure you will find out if it is a wrinkly pepperonchini or a bhut! Make sure film is going cause that pepper indeed looks like its trouble!
time will tell. certainly looks like a pod of indian origin. lol.

we'll know when it's ripe. and when your tongue starts to melt off of your mouth. :mouthonfire:

when it does, have a brew. better yet a gallon of milk.

looks like the bhuts I got from Cappy last year...they were pretty gnarly and very extreme...I would bet my bottom dollar it is either a Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga, Bih Jolokia, or Naga Morich, but my money is on the Bhut...

as far as the bottom leaves go...it's normal for the bottom leaves to yellow and eventually fall off...I have always pinched the bottom leaves off when they start to yellow....they will eventually die and fall off anyway so I hasten the process to keep the plant from putting energy into leaf repair...