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My chillis!

Right guys, here is the link to my chilli photos :D
I'm a little disappointed that the red habanero seeds I bought, germinated and grew and was extremely excited about turned out to be bloody capsicums! They are BIG plants though and absolutely loaded with cappys! :D
There is a TS, Jonah, Gambian habanero, cheyenne, Bird's eyes, jalepenos, chocolate hab, bhut plants and a wildfire in there... As per my stunted bhut thread, the plant in the black tub is a bhut, growing okay and already has a baby bhut on it! They were 3 inch high seedlings 2 months ago.
Those Jonahs are fucking scary looking too...
I had a fingernail clipping sized piece from right at the end and as soon as it touched my tongue, it burnt like heck. So I used half one in my salsa last night, very nice and I am on my third ring burning.
Production-wise they've been pretty nuts. My parents freezer is packed with them. Okay, slight hyperbole but there are hundreds in there. Only about 5 of the TS but ther'es heaps on the plant! NZ has had the hottest summer on record so hopefully they'll be nice and hot :D Funny thing is though, I'm not a pro grower and my family aren't as obsessed as me and I go to Mexico and beyond for 3 years soon so if you're in the Auckland area, stop by for a chilli tasting session and a beer, haha
Great Pics ChilliNZ
what are the pods in pic IMG_6089???

cool looking pods in Pic 38847_10150240863410311_625835310,
wish I had a plant that put out pods like that :hell:
Great Pics ChilliNZ
what are the pods in pic IMG_6089???

cool looking pods in Pic 38847_10150240863410311_625835310,
wish I had a plant that put out pods like that :hell:
6089 are 7 pod Jonahs, apparently..
Which chilli are you talking about with ya last post mate?
Why don't we stick with Webster and not add to the taxonomy problem?

Definition of CAPSICUM

a : any of a genus (Capsicum) of tropical American herbs and shrubs of the nightshade family widely cultivated for their many-seeded usually fleshy-walled berries —called also pepper
If you want to do that maybe we should refer to Trinidad Scorpions as Capsicums too and not confuse the taxonomy problem with arachnids ;)
If we are going to avoid using the name capsicum to stop confusion, all you American's will need to stop calling them 'peppers'. ;)