Not only do I have porno with me. Ive got video porn! MMM. LOL one of the plants is dying! help! can someone tell me whats wrong with it. i posted a video on youtube. here the link: Jolokia Video
Just a guess but are you perhaps overfeeding/watering? I got a bit crazy with my fertiliser and the same thing happened to me so I backed off and they came back to life.
How did you apply the fish emulsion? I have found you have to be careful with that stuff. I have also found that you need to REALLY dilute that stuff. I foliar fed with it and it burn the hell out of my plants and made a few leaves do what yours is doing. I would give that plant a long break from nuits and just give water and see what happens.
were they root bound when you transplanted them. I had a few last year that did nothing for months when I checked the roots they had not broke free and were almost the same size root ball as when I transplanted them.
she might have given your plant some extra nitrogen..(urine) nitrogen burns!!!
Very good possibility. Plants don't like the animal piss