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fermenting My fermented wing sauce

I have a 1qrt jar of cayenne sauce that so far has been fermenting since September 2010. I am wondering something though. I plan on taking it this September and finishing it up. Now I know to thicken up a wing sauce you add butter. If I take my sauce dump it in a pot, boil it down a bit to eliminate some water, add garlic, salt, and butter, can I still bottle it and have it be good for at least 6 months (if it lasts that long)?
You may want to clarify the butter first, or just add butter when cooking the wings. When adding dairy products to sauces you may need to keep the sauces refrigerated and/or they may have a short shelf life
Yeah I wasnt sure if I should add it into it or wait until I use it. So I guess Ill do everything else and if needed I will wait until it gets used to add the butter. Thanks Potawie
The problem is that Botulism grows in fat. Even if the hot sauce is heated and boiled the botulism can grow in the fat. It takes about 250 F to kill botulism. well above the boiling of the hot sauce.

However, vinegar or low pH kills off botulism if the low pH can touch the bacteria. Since fat is not water soluable, the fat can protect the botulism from vinegar also. Botulism loves growing in oil and fats.

The safe way is to never add any fat or oil products to anything you want to preserve. Add the fat or oil products at the time you eat the food.

Just a quick safety tip.

Some people take the risk and gamble. It may appear at times that the gamble works because the dead never talk. Actually botulism is not rare but not usually get into food that is kept clean. But still not worth the risk. It can float in the air like other germs. which is not bad if there is only a germ or two. But give it some time to multiply and then you might have a lethal cocktail.

I might have some details wrong in the above. Do you own scientific research before making conclusions. Goverment safe canning procedures today never allow any forms of oil or fat anymore. They are all rejected by safety scientists in USA. Zero oils and fats today. you can high pressure can to 250 F or 15 psi for meats and fish but that kind of ruins veggies.
So if I do anything I may want to add some vinegar to keep the PH right? I was thinking I would boil first while I add my other ingredients and then add the vinegar when its done boiling.
I'am fermenting peppers and plan on fermenting them for about 3 months. My question is once its finish to get it like franks hot sauce or Louisiana. Do i blend the pepper with vinegar and bottle or do I add the vinegar to the pepper,strain it then bottle.
Well I suppose it depends on what its like now. If there is a lot of water, you may want to boil it down a little throw it in a blender with some vinegar then bottle.