• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My first chilli pepper growing experience


rory said:
No not at all in my opinion, as I understand it, the hotter the pepper the slower the growth. Just maintain enough light, heat, water and nature will take care of the rest;) If you have some photos maybe try uploading them... Happy growing my friend :)
Thank you for the reassurance!! Will keep on with it then. Will definitely post some pictures soon. Thanks again!
Thank you for the reassurance!! Will keep on with it then. Will definitely post some pictures soon. Thanks again!
Real nice selection you have some good ones in the mix :) Hope it works out for you...keep us posted!!
Also on my last jar of home made hotsauce.... :confused:
Repotting 72 hab's tomorrow, better sleep good tonight!
Nice work with yours!
Nice looking startup.
What is the Acapulco ...a Habanero ?

Its a Capsicum Annuum, not quite as spicy as a habanero.

Also on my last jar of home made hotsauce.... :confused:
Repotting 72 hab's tomorrow, better sleep good tonight!
Nice work with yours!

WOW!!! 72!! Ha Best of luck my friend keep us updated with some pics!!
Think I have an aphid invasion of epic proportions, dont actually see any but, new leaves are deformed and curled up, any suggestions??
Can anyone help me with this problem, leaf deformation???

For that last 3 weeks its been outside during the day, under the sun, and at night time indoors.
Hasnt received any ferts of any sort.
Was potted up also about a month ago
Daily inspection has revealed no insects visible to the naked eye.
I need help????

Its an Aji Brazilian Pumpkin.

On my healthy looking Aji Charapita, I discovered 4 yellow looking larvae insects, no sign of any damage tho.
Needless to say, I removed them.
too much fertilizer?

Hey thanks Ferby, but it hasnt had any fertilizer....

This is another plant, look at the leaf tips??
If you had an aphid problem, you would see them easily.
Have a look at this video on calcium deficiency in pepper plants, those leaves look similar to yours. I hope it's that, because it's easier to fix than pests.

Thank you Prazzie, but I m not convinced its that, but I sure hope it is because as you said it woild be easier to fix!
Your plants are getting natural sunlight right? My fatalli leaves did funky things under artificial light and straightened out once they got actual sunlight.
Your plants are getting natural sunlight right? My fatalli leaves did funky things under artificial light and straightened out once they got actual sunlight.

For the last few weeks yes, under direct sunlight for most of day day? Could it be sun burn or windburn or something like that??
Maybe too much direct sun... you could try moving them into an area that gets less and you might try a week dose of ferts if your soil doesn't have any.