• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My first chilli pepper growing experience


Maybe too much direct sun... you could try moving them into an area that gets less and you might try a week dose of ferts if your soil doesn't have any.

Thanks I m gonna try that, take them in for a week to what difference if makes. Damn I was hoping to have them hardened off by now!! Cant rush that I guess #LearninCurve
Right now my seedlings that are outside are in a spot that only gets sun about 4-5 hrs a day and they seem to be happy. Hope everything works out for you.
Moved them indoors temporarily, and a few hours under afternoon sunlight, much improved thanks for advice, will hopefully post pics tommorro...off to bed now Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
No, no fertz...brought em all inside for a bit and fungus gnats have begun appearing, any advice? Should I also be using some fertiliser now or are theygood until they start producing fruit?
How much time between a flower bud appearing to a ripe fruit approximately, does anyone know? :)
Depends on what your soil contains, I would say if they look good leave them be. As far as fungus gnats that is a widely discussed topic here, tons of different methods. What has worked for me is 1 cup of 3% h2o2 to a gallon of water, soak the soil pretty good, let it dry completely, one more dose of the h2o2 and water and let it dry, then go back to normal water. Oh and fly traps to nab the adults buzzing around.

So I pinched this one last week, now look whats happened:)

Have been away, back home in Ireland, for a week and I returned to a jungle....

Beautiful flowers appearing

Gave them a little feed last week, organic of course...

It hasnt reached its height potential but its refusing to give up flowering, so I have decided just to leave it, not pinching anymore...

Overview of an Aji Charapita
fast becoming a beautiful plant despite being a late bloomer:)

Some great new growths appearing at almost every node....

My other Charapita dropped a couple if healthy leaves, have no idea why...so moved it to a larger pot as I have seen a few insects that resemble fungus gnats. Hoping that the new soil might rid the eggs/larvae eliminating one possible problem....
Any help is welcome:)
Gonna take a close up shot of where the leaves dropped a bit later...
Beautiful plants. Great job

Thank you:)

Healthy looking leaves dropped whilst I was away....???
Plants are lookin good, and the cat squad should scare off any would be critters - although I've had my cats chew down my own plants in the past... Devious little furr bags at times :D

Lol 2 seedlings suffered the fate of the cats back in february, decapitated them.... but not they re quite, mainly interested in chasing lizards and the like and then come the evening time one sleeps between my tomato plants?? Go figure haha
I also have to admit I trimmed a few of the pepper plants in the hope of encouraging stronger growth, stem, roots and more side shoots....I have been feeling so bad since, feel like I have set myself back a month...:(
I need help.....

2 identical plants...both Capsicum Bacatuum, Brazilian Pumpkin

No sign of aphids....

Both receiving full sun for a min 7 hrs a day, they had this problem about a month ago, it went away, and now its back...
They live side by side with other healthy chilli peppers....

I am at a loss to explain it to be honest...
Interested to hear what ot is my bbg7s are doing the same, especially look like the last pic.

Ya I cant figure it out, not sure if I will get any pods out of them this year.....really disappointing as it is the one I was most looking forward too. :( if you hear anything let me know