harvesting My first ever Mimi harvest (No Laughing)

Starting at the top moving clockwise  [Anaheim Chili, Black Jalapeño, Thai Suns, Firecracker Chili, and Long Red Slim Cayennes]. And by "Mimi" I meant mini (I'm learning to use my new ipad).
Black jalapeño?

Never seen that one.

Where did you get the seeds?

Seed those guys and send me some seeds.

Nice start
The black jalapeños are from pepper joes website. They go from green to black much quicker than most jalapeños, but they do eventually turn red as you can see. The red ones have a nice sweetness to them. I'd be happy to mail some out but they're pretty cheap from pepper Joe. Just google him. That's where I got all my seeds from. Very high germination rate and everything came out as advertised. The Thai suns are a fun little snack.
dude id love a harvest like that.
I got one pepper on 2 trees.. and i wouldn't be surprised if it fell off on its own like the lone pepper i had before. lol.