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fermenting My first ferment (requesting advice)

I just weighed out my destemmed peppers and the total weight is 900 grams. I am going be using a homemade airlock mason jar 1/2 gallon size. I have my yogurt straining now and I think I collected enough whey. My first question is how much whey should I use for this amount of peppers? Also I hear when using this method of fermenting I can use much less salt so should I use 45g of salt which would be 5%? Thanks in advance for any info and I will keep you all updated on my progress!
I think I used around 2.5 to 3.5 % in a handful of ferments I've done.  Two tablespoons of Morton pickling salt in the same size jar. 30-34 grams of salt.   Roughly just more than a 1000 grams of weight.  The first two I completed 90 days were very salty to taste.
Best of luck to you, and welcome to THP.
Thank you I am going to go with the 3.5% so 32 grams as you said. I have a few tablespoons of whey ready to go and I think that should be enough to get the mash going.
For a half gallon ferment you'll be ok with a 1/4 to 1/3 cup of whey and since I have High Blood Pressure I only use 2 tablespoons of salt in a whole gallon so if you want to reduce it more you should be fine since your using a starter. Now, that said I also use a no rinse sanitizer on the hate and lid to make sure nothing I don't want in there is in there.

Have fun and post pics
Alright here it is.

And a closeup to see it before the magic happens.