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My first fresh pods!!!

I couldn't help myself and bought some pods on ebay. Just curious as to what i have. I have some ideas but would like some feedback from the great people here on THP. Thanks in advance.




Image quality due to phone.
Nice haul!

I could poke some guesses as to what everything is, but I'm pretty new to peppers so I will just shut up and let the experts chime in... I will say it looks like you probably got what you asked for.
I purchased the same deal. It was a nice box for 20 bucks. The down side as you are finding is identifying the peppers. I just sampled one of each and decided what to do with them from there. Quite a few in the freezer now
Absolutley beautiful. Looks like a professional ebayer (probably a member of THP). Enjoy. im sure some of the pros on here can tell you what they are
nice little collaberation of pods! you are in for a treat and heat! nice find! its always nice to see people get a good deal on ebay! and like "old man" said it was prob a member on here! enjoy!
Not an expert... just trying to help. Feel free to agree or disagree as one chooses.

Top pic... Top to bottom and left to right

1-??? maybe a squash type 2- Yellow 7 pod 3-Red 7 Pod

4- Red Carribbean Hab 5- Datil 6- Bhuts(over ripe???)

7- Red Datils 8- more Yellow 7 9- Chocolate Habs 10- Aji Limon or Limon

2nd pic...

10 o`clock is a Bishops Crown, 11 to 1 look like Red Caribbeans,

Bottom pic...

small white ones are White bullets(habanero)
I think #2 in the first pic may be a yellow Trinidad Scrpion. I say that because the Yellow 7 pods that I'm growing are significantly larger than the Scorpions. Number 10 looks exactly like the Lemon Drops that I have. I'm not sure if Lemon Dropand Aji Lemon are the same though.