food My first frozen meal

I am so excited...Today I made up my first frozen meal, consisting of stuffed Hot Hungarian Peppers. I picked about 12 of my largest peppers and stuffed them with hot Italian sausage then vacuum sealed them (12 in all). I am planning on making up a bunch of these frozen meals with a variety of peppers and stuffing.

Hindsight, I should have taken some pictures.
My buddy makes stuffed peppers at his shop if they dont sell the first day he freezes them.I get them rather cheap cuz I buy there all the time what I do is buy some fresh peppers and re-stuff.Mind you they have been frozen probably like a week
millworkman said:
What is stopping you from photographing the final product?

Good point...Here is my first Frozen Meal (well, not quite frozen yet).

I guess I'm one shy of a full dozen :lol:

Canuk Pepperhead said:
I find when freezing the peppers go on the mushy side let me know how they fare out

I heard that too, but have also heard that as long as you're going to cook with them, they will be fine. But, I'll be sure to let you know how these turn out.

I can almost smell and taste them now, all smothered in tomato sauce with a hint of mozzarella cheese melted over them...BTW I'm starting to drool...LOL I have a feeling that these may not stay frozen too long :lol:
You should try to get a contract to make some of them for NASA so that astronauts could eat some good food up there. Wait...did they get their toilet fixed yet? my place those peppers would have never made it to the freezer... :lol:

mouth is watering right now....nice Paul
holy crap. that pic looks so amazingly hungerotic. i have quite literally become extremely hungry from that pic and description with the sauce and mozzarella.

payday is tomorrow. i'm so stuffing peppers. i don't care if it's enchilada night.
ring sting said:
They look so good that I wouldn't have bothered freezing them -- they wouldn't last long enough...

AlabamaJack said: my place those peppers would have never made it to the freezer... :lol:

mouth is watering right now....nice Paul

You both are right...I am sitting here literally forcing myself from taking them out and cooking them up. And I thought yesterday was hard, by not eating them up...:lol:

I keep telling myself that I will be glad come winter...LOL
Man those look goooodddd.I`ve 2 plants going now and you just gave me a great way to use them.Let us know how they fared the freezing.I know the extra habs I froze last year were great for the dehydrator being soft.Damn i`m hungry and this beer isn`t helping. Rich
imaguitargod said:
They look like little severed fingers......

Uhmm...Maybe IGG, I should have placed something in the pictures to reference the size. There are a couple of smaller ones in there, but for the most part they are bigger than any fingers I've seen and I would hate to see the creature that has fingers that big. :P

*Psst* Don't tell anyone IGG, but they are fingers, I found the Grass Man of Ohio :shh::P